11 Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed and More)

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

I know a professional person drywaller.  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills.  He’s fast, strong, limber in addition to precise.  It’s truly cool watching him drywall a room.  He does stuff I could never do.  Of course, he’s honed his skills over many years in addition to is at nowadays a really much in-demand drywaller amid local contractors.

One aspect that makes is a fell task is drywall is much heavier than plywood (and plywood isn’t light).  To lay it into perspective, plywood weighs 1.8 to 2.1 pounds per sq. ft. spell drywall weighs 2.75 pounds per sq. ft.  Not a huge difference, but when working amongst 32 sq. ft. sheets (or the larger 48 sq. ft. sheets), that weight adds up.

Many homeowners exercise their ain drywall work, which is reasonable.  The pros are expensive.  If you’re doing your ain drywall job, acquire nigh the unlike types of drywall below addition a whole host of other tidbits nigh this domicile improvement staple product.

Related: 15 Drywall Alternatives

Drywall Basics

How to Transport a Sheet of Drywall inward a Tiny Car

You’ve just learned a fob for transporting your drywall home. This means, of course, that yous conduct hold learned the inaugural of all thing yous demand to exercise to succeed inward starting your drywall project. Congratulate yourself, in addition to settle inward to the residuum of this guide.

Drywall looks evidently in addition to simple; however, it becomes trickier when yous seek to exercise anything amongst it. Drywall involves the production itself. It’s to a greater extent than complex that the plain, bird canvas that lies earlier yous inward the store, but in 1 lawsuit yous form out the types of in addition to uses for drywall, your buying decisions volition live easy.

Drywall also involves its function. On its own, it simply lies there. You accept it in addition to work it to brand dandy things. You’ll acquire what yous demand to accomplish these dandy things.

Forget the flight rug ride; inward your imagination, hop on a bird canvas of drywall, in addition to we’ll work this guide to accept yous on a magic drywall ride. Get gear upwards to explore drywall hence that you’ll live equipped amongst cognition in addition to data to purchase it as good as the correct tools in addition to materials for working amongst it.

Just for fun:

Why is it called “drywall?”

Prior to the extensive work of drywall next WWII, walls in addition to ceilings were constructed of plaster. Construction amongst plaster was labor-intensive, time-consuming, in addition to wet. Wet plaster was applied to wooden laths. Several layers were required, in addition to drying fourth dimension betwixt layers was extensive. Time was reduced drastically in 1 lawsuit people began what they happily called “drywall.”

What is Drywall?

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Source: Drywall 101

Drywall—or sheetrock, wallboard, or gypsum board—refers to the large, rectangular, sheets yous tin view stacked inward stores in addition to inward structure sites. It’s white, green, blue, or purple. It’s a telephone substitution element of your home, office, store where yous shop—the interior of nearly every finished building.

When yous await at your walls in addition to ceiling, you’re looking at drywall roofing wooden studs. It’s been finished, textured, in addition to painted or wallpapered, of course, but the walls in addition to ceilings are drywall.

Drywall has a purpose beyond wall in addition to ceiling construction. Beyond this basic function, drywall is used to add together grapheme to edifice in addition to domicile interiors.

This beautiful living room exists because of its walls in addition to ceilings, in addition to it possesses elegance because of special features, including arches in addition to niche. Drywall creates role in addition to beauty.

Source: Homestratosphere

What is Used to Make Drywall?

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Source: Nafuu Classic Hardware

You know drywall’s purpose. But what, exactly, is it? Drywall is as elementary as it looks. It’s made of gypsum plaster covered amongst thick paper.

Gypsum is a naturally occurring mineral constitute inward many countries worldwide but peculiarly concentrated inward North America. Gypsum is also man-made. Synthetic gypsum, known as Flue-Gas Desulfurization (FGD) is used inward drywall just similar naturally occurring gypsum; nevertheless some forms of FGD gypsum are toxic in addition to non used inward making drywall.

Just for Fun:

Gypsum is an incredible cloth for drywall. It’s durable, slow to piece of work with, fire-resistant, versatile, in addition to fast-drying. It’s also beautiful inward its natural state. This is White Sands National Monument inward New United Mexican States amongst its extensive gypsum dunes. This is the principal constituent of your drywall (but this monument isn’t a mine).

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Drywall Sizes in addition to Dimensions Chart

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Types of Drywall

You tin select from amid several unlike types of drywall, depending on your projection needs. Use this overview to acquire your options.

1. Regular or Standard Drywall

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Source: Lowe’s

Regular drywall is basic drywall amongst no special enhancements. It is non inferior to other types; it performs as amongst all of them. It simply has no extras.

For example, regular drywall is displace retardant past times nature (the H2O molecules inward the gypsum deadening the spread of flames), but it isn’t enhanced amongst other materials similar fire-resistant drywall.

2. Moisture-Resistant Drywall

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Source: Quality Drywall Services

Water harm happens. It’s an almost-inevitable constituent of homeownership. Moisture-resistant drywall has a special surface coating to minimize the extent of harm when it happens. It’s fantabulous for work inward bathrooms, kitchens, or whatever other location that is humid or has H2O pipes.

In high-water areas, such as tubs in addition to showers, it’s recommended to buy the farm a stair beyond moisture-resistant drywall in addition to work cement board such as National Gypsum’s PermaBase cement board.

You may hear this type of drywall referred to as greenboard, indoor tile backer board, in addition to cement board. Blueboard is some other term yous mightiness run across when looking for moisture-resistant drywall. This is truly a unlike type production because it is engineered to live coated amongst a veneer plaster, giving it a unlike look.

3. Mold-Resistant Drywall

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Source: Lowe’s

Often purple, this drywall resists the increase of mold in addition to mildew. If you’re inward expanse amongst a lot of moisture, this specially treated drywall mightiness live an pick to consider. It costs to a greater extent than than regular drywall, an expense that tin add together upwards quickly, but given that mold in addition to mildew are insidious in addition to displace wellness problems, the extra cost could live worthwhile.

4. Fire-Resistant Drywall

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Source: Lowe’s

Building codes dictate the work of fire-resistant (Type X, fireboard, or X board) inward areas such as garages, bedrooms, bird buildings in addition to other multi-family housing units, in addition to many commercial buildings.

Type X provides displace resistance beyond the natural resistance of other types of drywall. Type C is to a greater extent than resistant than Type X, providing upwards to iv hours of resistance compare to the 1 hr provided past times X.

Fire-resistant drywall contains special non-combustible fibers. It’s also thicker than most other types of drywall. Together, these features deadening the burning in addition to spread of displace to allow to a greater extent than fourth dimension for people to escape in addition to to care minimize the extent of damage.

Watch the fire-resistance inward action:

National Gypsum Fire Testing

5. Soundproof Drywall

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: Houzz

Soundproof drywall is similar regular drywall, but it contains to a greater extent than layers of forest fibers, gypsum in addition to polymers to care it dampen sound. Its composition makes it stiffer than regular drywall inward lodge to cut down audio vibrations. This is used inward making walls, ceilings, and/or floors.

6. Paperless Drywall

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: The Home Depot

This type of drywall is both moisture- in addition to mold-resistant. Unlike other such drywall panels, paperless drywall is covered amongst fiberglass facings. This is an pick for your kitchen in addition to bathrooms.

7. Eco-Friendly Drywall

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Source: DIY Home Living Style

Environmentally friendly drywall options conduct hold been in addition to buy the farm on to live developed. Not only are these products earth-friendly inward their materials in addition to manufacturing, but they are character drywall options for your home.

One production on the marketplace seat is Eco Rock. It’s made from over xx unlike recycled industrial byproducts. These byproducts are mixed amongst fillers in addition to H2O to create a drywall production that resists mold in addition to termites.

EnviroBoard compressed fiber panels are made from environmentally friendly materials. Waste fibers from agriculture, the paper industry, in addition to to a greater extent than are compressed into corporation concrete-like panels that brand the walls in addition to ceilings of homes in addition to buildings.


  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Source: Medium

Drywall is measured inward thickness in addition to length. The width of drywall panels is a touchstone 48 inches.

Drywall is available inward a lay out of lengths. You tin purchase sheets that are eight, nine, 10, 12, or 14-inches long. Other lengths tin sometimes live purchased as a special order.

Thickness is an of import measurement. Four depth options give yous the flexibility to select the size that fits your needs. Drywall comes inward iv thicknesses.

1/4 inch

Source: Quia

Although regular drywall comes inward this size, panels this sparse are uncommon.

3/8 inch

Source: Quia

Regular drywall is available inward this width. It’s pop In basements or other areas that don’t require a special type of drywall. While less expensive than thicker panels, it also isn’t as sturdy.

1/2 inch

Source: Quia

Half-inch drywall is heftier than the previous 2 measurements. Regular, moisture-resistant, in addition to mold-resistant types are available inward 1/2 inch depth.

5/8 inch

Source: Quia

This is the thickest drywall pick available. All types of sheetrock come upwards inward this thickness, but it is most useful inward fire-resistant, soundproof, in addition to mold- in addition to moisture-resistant panels.

When shopping for drywall, yous mightiness hear the term “standard size” used. This refers to a canvas that measures 1/2” x 4’ x 8.’ This is a really mutual size, including amid DIY’ers, because it is economical, versatile, in addition to slow to handle.

Materials in addition to Tools Used amongst Drywall

Drywall exists hence it tin plough into something bigger. You’ll work drywall to brand your dream domicile a reality. To exercise that, you’ll demand special materials in addition to tools designed to piece of work amongst drywall.

Drywall Materials

As yous install drywall, you’ll demand sure key materials. We’ve highlighted the principal ones here:

Drywall Joint Compound

Commonly called “mud” or “spackle,” articulation chemical compound is the cloth that is applied over record to smoothen the seams. You’ll work it to encompass the nails in addition to screws, too. It’s available pre-made inward buckets similar the 1 pictured, or yous tin purchase bags of ability in addition to mix your own.


  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Tape is what covers the seams betwixt pieces of sheetrock. Choose betwixt 2 types of drywall tape: paper in addition to mesh. Paper is cheaper than mesh, in addition to it is creased downwards the middle to acquire inward ameliorate for taping corners. Mesh is dandy for repair work.

Listen to a professional person in addition to skillful weight inward on the types of tape:

Which Tape is Better: Paper or Mesh (video)


  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

Fasteners are the hardware that secures the panels of drywall to the boards of the walls in addition to ceilings. Carpenters in addition to DIY’ers alike work nails, screws, or both.

Screws are to a greater extent than expensive than nails, but they’re to a greater extent than secure in addition to concur theatre over fourth dimension as the forest changes amongst age. Nails volition eventually pop out of the forest in addition to live visible as a bump inward the wall. Nails, however, are easier to piece of work amongst in addition to are faster to work than screws. M

Some people select to work both screws in addition to nails. They work nails just about the outer edges in addition to to attach the metallic strips, called beads, inward corners. They work screws everywhere else, including every constituent of the ceiling.

Corner Bead

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: Ace Hardware

Corner bead are used inward every corner to ensure a crisp 90-degree angle. Tape is in addition to then placed over the beads, in addition to articulation chemical compound applied over the tape. Without the beads, corners would live uneven in addition to sloppy-looking.

Drywall Tools

Every merchandise has its tools. Drywall installation is no exception. Arm yourself amongst the correct tools, in addition to your projection volition live much easier in addition to to a greater extent than enjoyable. To care yous start your collection, we’ve gathered some of the most helpful drywall tools around.


  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: Lowe’s

One of the most of import tools inward hanging drywall is a pencil. You’ll live doing a lot of measuring in addition to marking, in addition to a pencil is essential.

Cordless Screw Driver or Drywall Screw Gun

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: The Home Depot

You volition live driving countless screws into yous drywall as yous fasten it to the wall- or ceiling boards, hence a cordless, battery-powered screwdriver is essential. It volition brand your piece of work faster in addition to to a greater extent than accurate.

If yous conduct hold a goodness drill, yous tin work that instead of a cordless screwdriver. However, a drill in addition to a screwdriver aren’t the same thing. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 drill tin live also powerful in addition to carries the endangerment of drywall damage.  See our drill buying guide here.

Drywall Hammer

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: Amazon

If yous are using nails instead of or inward improver to screws, this specialty hammer has a rounded caput to avoid denting or violent the sheetrock. Even if your initial computer programme is to work screws for the entire project, a specialty hammer is a goodness thought to conduct hold just inward instance yous create upwards one's hear nails are inward lodge inward places similar the exterior areas of a panel.  See our types of hammers for to a greater extent than info.

Drywall Knife or Trowel

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: The Home Depot

Drywall knives (or trowels) are the tools that you’ll work to apply in addition to spread the articulation compound. They’re available inward a multifariousness of widths suitable for unlike areas of paneling. Use a wider blade inward long, opened upwards areas to speed the work, in addition to work narrower blades for tight spaces.

Watch this tool inward activity to view how efficiently it industrial plant to create a seamless wall:

Framing Square

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: Home Depot

The framing foursquare is an essential tool for many projects, including drywall work. When cutting your sheetrock, work this elementary tool ensures accurate measurements in addition to right away lines.

Hand Sander

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: The Home Depot

After applying articulation chemical compound in addition to allowing it to dry, the adjacent stair is to sand the chemical compound to eliminate lines in addition to brand the chemical compound even out amongst the drywall. The resultant is a flat, seamless wall or ceiling.

Sheets of sand paper, or drywall sanding screen, is placed on the front end of the manus sander. The concealment is sold inward sheets. When 1 is no longer effective, identify a novel canvas on the manus sander in addition to maintain working.

Automatic Drywall Sander

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: The Home Depot

Sanding past times hand gives yous a feel of meticulous command as yous build your room, but it is also tiring in addition to labor-intensive. You tin alternate manus sanding amongst automatic sanding, or yous tin buy the farm fully automatic.

Automatic sanding tools come upwards inward cordless in addition to corded varieties. As amongst other ability tools, cordless provides convenience in addition to ease of movement, whereas corded varieties provides to a greater extent than ability amongst no interruptions. Either version uses the same type of sanding concealment that manus sanders use.

Many automatic drywall sanders are compatible amongst attachments. It’s mutual for sanders piece of work amongst both circular in addition to triangular heads hence yous tin easily sand both corners in addition to bird stretches of wall or ceiling. Many serve a dual role as a dust vacuum when the correct hose is attached.

Banjo (drywall taper)

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: The Home Depot

The banjo is a tool yous tin work to apply the record over the drywall seams. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 high-performance, heavy-duty taping instrument, this makes taping precise in addition to quick.


The bazooka is an automatic record in addition to mud applicator. It applies articulation chemical compound in addition to record simultaneously. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 telescoping pole allows yous to record flooring to ceiling, across the panels’ surface in addition to upwards in addition to downwards corners. While a bazooka isn’t absolutely necessary, peculiarly for pocket-sized projects, it does take away some of the heavy labor from large jobs.

Drywall Saw

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: Lowe’s

A high-quality drywall saw is a must-have when yous are sheetrocking whatever sized room. Cutting the sheetrock properly volition resultant inward less waste materials in addition to border that are slow to brand smoothen amongst articulation compound. DIY Network offers handy tips in addition to tricks for cutting drywall well.

Utility Knife

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: Ace Hardware

Utility knives are mayhap the most versatile of all of the tools inward a toolbox. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 utility knife industrial plant inward tandem amongst a drywall saw to care yous create crisp, straight, fifty-fifty cuts inward your sheetrock. They’re useful inward cutting the boards of drywall as good as cutting out holes for outlets in addition to switches.

Buying a knife may seem straightforward. It’s sure non complicated, but utility knives differ from each other. Home Depot’s buying guide for utility knives volition care yous select the correct 1 for yous in addition to your drywall project.

Mud Pan

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: Amazon

A mud pan is a elementary slice of equipment that is slow to overlook. Using a mud pan volition salvage yous from having to drag a heavy bucket of articulation chemical compound just about your piece of work space. Place some mud inward a special mud pan to easily acquit amongst yous across rooms in addition to upwards in addition to downwards ladders.

Mud pans are sold inward plastic or stainless steel similar the 1 pictured above. Which 1 to select is just a thing of personal preference.

Drywall Panel Lift

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)Source: The Home Depot

Weighing inward at 50 pounds in addition to up, drywall is heavy. The weight is made worse past times its size. Even a pocket-sized sheet—1/2 inch x 4 human foot x 8 foot—is hard to grasp in addition to carry. If yous are working alone, this heavy, awkward panel of drywall tin conduct your projection to a screeching halt.

If lifting drywall panels volition live hard (don’t forget to consider installing them on the ceiling), a panel elevator could live a dandy asset. You tin purchase 1 or, if yous prefer non to conduct hold to store it, yous tin rent 1 from your local hardware store.

Health in addition to Safety Products

Source: ebay

Your wellness in addition to security are of utmost importance. Drywall is dusty, in addition to it sifts into eyes, nose, in addition to oral cavity if yous aren’t covered. Gloves protect hands in addition to are a must when using whatever tool, peculiarly ability tools. Have ear protection nearby, too, for when yous are using electrical screwdrivers in addition to other noisy equipment.

In a contest called The Drywall Olympics, carpenters human face upwards off in addition to seek their drywall skills. Watch sheetrock, materials, tools, in addition to workmanship come upwards together:

Union Carpenters Northeast Carpenters Drywall Competition—Drywall Olympics (video)

Cost Considerations

  The guy has insanely goodness drywalling skills eleven Different Types of Drywall (Sizes, Tools Needed in addition to More)

=> Check out our drywall cost electronic computer here.

There isn’t a unmarried toll or toll hit to assign to drywall. Many factors determine how much your projection volition cost.

The type in addition to size of the sheetrock volition influence the amount of coin you’ll pass on the drywall. The size of your room or rooms is some other major factor. The bigger the area, the to a greater extent than supplies yous demand in addition to the higher the cost.

The other materials are theme on the size of your projection in addition to the type yous buy. Are yous using screws, nails, or both? Will yous purchase pre-made articulation chemical compound or a powdered version that yous mix yourself? The pre-made mud is to a greater extent than expensive upfront, but it’s probable that you’ll conduct hold to purchase to a greater extent than of the powdered variety.

The best way to guess the cost of your projection earlier yous commence to purchase supplies is to work projection calculators. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 simple formula tin care yous predetermine yous cost. You tin also work applications, online or on your smartphone, to guess your drywall expenses.

To acquire the most accurate experience for your expenses, calculate the fossil oil cost of fasteners in addition to tape in addition to articulation compound.

Home projects tin live exciting in addition to daunting all at once. Now that you’re armed amongst the basics, you’re gear upwards to venture forth non quite as overwhelmed as when yous inaugural of all began. One of the most of import tools of all during your drywall projection is your ability of visualization. Keep your terminate goal inward mind, in addition to you’ll know that the time, energy, in addition to coin are worth it.

The wall inward this epitome radiates character. It’s stunning, in addition to the await was achieved amongst drywall, articulation compound, in addition to an artistic touch. Whatever your vision for your ain project, yous tin create it.

Drywall Frequently Asked Questions

Can drywall live painted?

Yes, drywall is a surface that tin acquire painted. However, it is worth noting that freshly hung drywall must inaugural of all acquire treated in addition to prepared to assure the best possible results.

This grooming procedure includes taping in addition to finishing all seams in addition to sealing mud in addition to drywall amongst primer. Once completed in addition to dried, finishing pigment tin acquire applied. Self-priming wall pigment tin care streamline the procedure in addition to offering ameliorate results.

When applying a fresh coat of pigment to already painted drywall, consider using a high-quality acrylic latex primer first. The work of a stain-blocking primer helps encompass marks, stains, in addition to other discolorations that tin displace a less than a flawless result.

When choosing a finishing paint, maintain inward hear that paints amongst higher sheens are easier to create clean in addition to maintain. So if yous conduct hold immature children inward the home, this tidbit of data tin salvage yous fourth dimension in addition to effort.

Are drywall screws waterproof?

While a protective coating helps to cut down the chances drywall screws rust, these screws are non classically waterproof. For this reason, drywall screws are ideal for indoor projects in addition to non recommended for outdoor projects.

Drywall screws are explicitly used to attach drywall to wooden frames. Using these screws for other applications in addition to projects is mostly non recommended.

Can drywall live recycled?

Drywall is a recyclable cloth made of gypsum. However, the drywall must acquire processed first. This procedure is used to take away items, including nails in addition to screws. Additionally, it separates the gypsum from the paper located on the exterior layer. Generally, curbside programs don’t back upwards drywall recycling, but if your community offers mass waste materials services, drywall recycling may live available.

How is drywall made?

Drywall gets manufactured past times mixing raw gypsum amongst other diverse additives including paper pulp, starch, in addition to an emulsifier. The emulsifier serves as a thickening agent. This mixture is combined amongst H2O to brand a concentrated paste.

After mixing the paste, it gets spread on 3/8-inch to 3/4-inch-thick manila paper. Another canvas of Manila paper gets added to the top layer, hence each side has a paper covering.

The adjacent stair inward the drywall production procedure is heating the canvas of drywall to 500 F. At this temperature, the materials dry out out in addition to gear upwards it for cutting. These days, pop sizes of drywall sheets include 4X8, 4X10, in addition to 4X12. Larger pieces are ameliorate for taller walls, as they encompass to a greater extent than surface expanse in addition to are faster to install.

If a to a greater extent than specialized shape of drywall is required, the work of unlike types of paper in addition to extra additives care create distinction.

Alternative names for a drywall panel include Sheetrock, wallboards, plasterboards, gyprock, in addition to gypsum board.

Drywall is ideal for most interiors, including residential in addition to commercial novel structure or renovation projects. Ideally, drywall should conduct hold niggling to no exposure to chronically humid weather condition or elements from the outdoors that tin degrade the constitution of the sheetrock material.

When was drywall invented?

Drywall was invented past times the USA Gypsum Company dorsum inward 1916. Originally referred to as Sackett Board, the cloth was available inward small, fireproof tiles. Multiple layer gypsum in addition to paper sheets were available a few years later. Within a decade, the electrical current drywall configuration that includes compressed gypsum secured amongst durable sheets of paper on each side became widely available.

While it was an accessible edifice cloth inward the early on days, many builders didn’t start using it inward large capacities until over 2 decades later!

The argue they delayed using drywall at the fourth dimension was that it was regarded as a mediocre pick since it didn’t conduct hold the same properties of high-quality plaster, which was pop inward the era. Instead of opting for to a greater extent than affordable drywall, people preferred to pay to a greater extent than for traditional plaster.

Why is drywall record necessary?

When hanging novel drywall, yous desire to accept steps to assure that the terminate production looks perfect. This procedure starts at the really commencement past times using drywall tape.

The unmarried argue for drywall tape? To brand the seams appear invisible after finishing them. Failure to work drywall record makes all seams in addition to imperfections, fifty-fifty if filled amongst articulation compounds, visible after the chemical compound dries – this type of oversight results inward shoddy craftsmanship in addition to an inferior terminate product.

Why work drywall screws?

The most obvious argue to work drywall screws is that they are specifically designed to hang the drywall. Made of hardened, brittle steel, they are long plenty to penetrate both the drywall panel as good as attach to the supporting wooden frame behind them.

Source: homestratosphere.com
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