Seaside House by Martins | Afonso atelier de design

Living room interior of the Seaside House past times Martins  Seaside House past times Martins | Afonso atelier de design

In this seaside house, the living infinite reveals itself through a varied make of sequences too views changing amongst seasons too the passing of time. This projection comes to life when these moments are captured, where each novel architectural fragment enters too dances inwards its context.

Rooted inwards the seaside too surrounded past times a beautiful garden due north of “Île de Ré”, this menage opens upwardly on every side too multiply perspectives. With a potent background, the challenge of the renovation was to do a novel living environment, based on the previous one, too convey it a warm atmosphere.

Redefining the openness to the outside

The owners wished to renovate the menage inwards lodge to instruct inwards to a greater extent than adapted to their lifestyle, to a greater extent than comfortable too inwards a higher identify all inwards accordance to their tastes. The renovation is based on a reflection of the within too a redefinition of the openings to the outside.

Interior accommodations remove keep been carefully idea inwards lodge to do novel links betwixt rooms, only besides to constitute novel relations amongst the outside.

It is close realizing sequencing operate defined too highlighted past times the execution of company wood. This cloth established a mutual denominator within each room of the house.

The key expanse is hither to connect 2 living rooms too a dining room/kitchen, through a company oak strip, inwards which nosotros tin give the sack notice the doors too storage units. This key infinite besides helps creating the sequences too framings, which highlight the exterior context piece succeeding to convey it indoor.

From these areas nosotros tin give the sack accept a infinitesimal to appreciate the really warm surrounding, inviting us to rest.

Many details tin give the sack last found inwards these spaces, whether it is past times the selection of materials such every bit terracotta, or past times the infinitesimal operate on the company oak, such every bit the making of hidden doors, too all the shadow gaps allowing for a finer dialogue amongst the existing space.

Everything was conceived inwards details too so that each architectural chemical portion finds its agency too where each sequencing too framing is both highlighting what previously existed too besides gives it the postage of united togetherness.

Data sheet

Location: Les-Portes-en-Ré, France

Completion date: 2018

Area: 90m2

Photo credits: Mickaël Martins Afonso

Design by: Martins | Afonso atelier de design

Press distribution: v2com

About Martins | Afonso atelier de design

The workshop created past times Mickaël Martins Afonso inwards 2016 is a reflection on a multidisciplinary career, cradled past times studies of visual arts, applied arts, infinite design, too end only non to the lowest degree architecture, so enclosing a journeying rich inwards human too intellectual experiences.

He collaborated for several years amongst Brochet Lajus Pueyo, an architecture companionship inwards Bordeaux, attested past times his professional person commitment every bit projection manager.

Meanwhile, he has kept on his question operate on photography, design, carpentry, prototyping, too artistic installations, adding a complementary do to architecture. He has nourished a special look, on the reports of scales every bit good every bit on details. This spirit of openness is felt today inwards his practice.

The workshop plant on dissimilar forms too scales of design, such every bit interior design, article of furniture creation, leading to the realization of the object. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 novel projection is meant to reverberate on the practices, to unloosen a global idea of the inhabited space, only besides to respond to a greater extent than exactly specific requests from each client too so to last able to do singular places tailored to their needs too desire, to each agency of living too to genuinely alive the architecture.

In 2016, Mickaël Martins Afonso won the jury prize at the Festival des Architectures Vives de Montpellier, which led to an invitation to the Taipei Landscape Public Art Festival “Seeing the Unseen” exhibition, organized past times the “Blue Dragon Art Company” inwards Taiwan, to introduce his award-winning projection “Head inwards the Clouds.”

In 2017, the workshop was invited amongst the collective SHALUMO to make an architectural installation during the festival Concentrico three inwards Logroño, Spain.

In 2018, the workshop was invited 2 times to introduce the projection “Head inwards the Clouds,” to the “Robotanica” (Tolhuistuin / EYE) exhibition

organized past times “Transnatural Art & Design” inwards Amsterdam, too “Who do yous recall yous are?” exhibition organized past times “TENT Rotterdam.”

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