Artemisia is a various genus that comprises generally of perennial as well as aromatic shrubs as well as herbs. Artemisia comes nether the daisy family, Asteraceae, members of which are characterized past times small flower heads and alternate leaves. Most of the species inward the Artemisia genus are valued for essential oils or equally ornamentals
The genus Artemisia has virtually 200 to 400 species. It consists of hardy plants that are rich inward volatile oils. The plants inward this genus attain from tall shrubs to dwarf herbaceous plants. All members of this genus have got option leaves small-scale capitula, as well as tubular florets. They occur equally racemose, pendant, paniculate, or capitate inflorescences. Rarely practise they occur solitary. The leaves of Artemisia are fern-like as well as are covered amongst white hair.
Artemisias are flora growing inward temperate climates of Southern Hemisphere as well as Northern Hemisphere. They are commonly flora inward areas where at that spot is a dry out or semi-dry climate.
Artemisia offers a huge diversity of herbs for herb lovers. They brand outstanding ornamentals for the gardens as well as are also mainstays for arts and crafts shops. Artemisia species brand beautiful herb gardens amongst their attractive foliage.
Although at that spot are as well as thence many varieties of Artemisia, most of them practise non have got whatsoever showy flowers. Most of the species inward the genus Artemisia have white or yellowish colored flowers except for some exceptions. There are non many types of Artemisia flowers, however, at that spot are many types of Artemisia that are to a greater extent than commonly known as well as to a greater extent than widely used than others.
Types of Artemisia
Artemisia genus consists of plants that are annuals, biennials, as well as perennials. Many species of Artemisia are woody or semi-woody. Some species are invasive, have got creeping rootstocks. They have got superb foliage that comes inward numerous shapes similar ferny, lobed, delicately lacy, or broadly strap-shaped. The colors of the foliage attain from nighttime greenish to silverish as well as grays, at times, sparkling white equally well. The species with green foliage have smoother leaves piece the gray species have got woolly, hairy, or felted leaves.
Some of the most pop types of Artemisias have been listed downwards below. Some of the Artemisia species are ornamentals piece some have got traditional herbal uses.
1. Southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum)
Southernwood is a sturdy shrublet that is native to southern Europe. They normally grow upwards to iii feet or taller. The stems are yellowish-green as well as have got an upright habit of growth. Southernwood has gray-green, aromatic leaves which are finely dissected into segments that are threadlike. The leaves remain fresh throughout the summertime season. Its shapeliness tin live on maintained past times pruning the plants difficult inward spring. They tin live on trained to shape a depression hedge.
Flowers of Southernwood are yellow-white inward the color that blooms from late summer to fall. They grow inward loose panicles. The flowers are small, nodding as well as inconspicuous.
Southernwood can live on propagated past times layering. The branch is pinned downwards as well as covered amongst soil. When the formations of roots begin, the rooted role is severed from the woman parent plant. The novel flora is left undisturbed afterwards the physical care for until following spring, afterwards which the flora tin live on moved to some other location.
It attracts spittlebugs as well as tiny insects whose larvae reside inward froth globs that are attached to the leaves of Southernwood, from where they feed on flora juices.
Southernwood is used equally a filler inward bouquets as well as inward dried arrangements. It has a pungent aroma, similar to the sage that makes it a pregnant factor of moth repellents.
2. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
Wormwood is native to temperature North Africa and Eurasia. This type of Artemisia grows 2 to four feet tall. It has gray-green leaves that have got a silky texture. The leaves are cutting similar that of carrot. It is good known for its anthelmintic grapheme (a rigid vermifuge) as well as equally an of import ingredient of absinthe liqueur. Although its leaves have got a bitter taste, slugs soundless feed on them.
Wormwood flowers are pale yellowish inward color. they are tubular as well as are clustered inward spherical heads that are bent down. These spherical flower-heads are clustered inward branches panicles that are leafy. The flowers bloom from early on summertime to early on autumn.
Lambrook Silver is a cultivar of common Wormwood that is silver. It grows to a peak of iii feet. It is extremely beautiful. It tin live on planted inward front end of a ruddy brick wall or following to plants that have got ruddy foliage to brand a breathtaking sight.
Powis Castle is some other cultivar of Wormwood that has silverish colored, feathery leaves. Its leaves are finer equally compared to Wormwood. Powis Castle is most in all probability a hybrid betwixt latter species of Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) and Artemisia arborescens, which is evergreen Mediterranean species. It is not hardy beyond zone vi but it tin live on wintered indoors.
Wormwood has a history if beingness used equally a medicinal herb. It is poisonous in large quantities. It tin displace convulsions, insomnia, as well as nervous disorders fifty-fifty inward small-scale quantities. This is due to the presence of thujone which is a encephalon stimulant, causing toxicity inward excess. The scent of Wormwood is strong plenty to onslaught headaches as well as nervousness.
3. Western Mugwort (Artemisia ludoviciana)
Western Mugwort is native to American West. It has erect stems as well as grows upwards to iii feet inward height. Its cultivars have got silverish leaves that arrive valuable for dried arrangements as well as wreaths. They await stunning amongst pinkish colored flowers. their silverish foliage is what makes them as well as thence popular.
Silver King is 1 of the cultivars of Western Mugwort. Upper stems have got narrow leaves that are quite pale piece the leaves on the lower role of the stems are to a greater extent than jagged as well as broader.
Silver Queen is a grayer cultivar of Western Mugwort. Its leaves are broader than the Silver King.
Valerie Finnis is some other cultivar that is less known to herb growers. It is to a greater extent than elegant as well as neat than Silver King as well as Silver Queen. It is an upright flora which has leaves that are green-gray on the top as well as white on the lower side. The leaves that are lower on the stems are slightly woolly as well as greener inward color.
The flowers of Western Mugwort are insignificant. They are used equally ornamentals because of their sparkling, silverish leaves.
Western Mugwort is a depression maintenance flora that requires total Sun for proper growth. It grows best inward areas where the soil is sandy as well as well-drained. Their H2O requirements are depression to medium.
4. White Mugwort (Artemisia lactiflora)
White Mugwort is a Chinese native flora that has erect, yellow-green colored stems. The flora tin grow to a peak of vi feet. The leaves of White Mugwort are deeply cut, greenish inward color, as well as lobed. From late summer to fall, White Mugwort produces fragrant, cream-colored flowers. because of its colors, the flowers are inconspicuous.
White Mugwort flowers are neat equally cutting flowers. They are really commonly used inward dried arrangements. White Mugrowt makes an eye-catching background for the plants that have got gray leaves as well as colorful flowers. These types of Artemisia flowers are non equally effective when paired amongst white colored flowers.
White Mugwort thrives inward well-drained, medium moisture, as well as rich soil. It prefers growing inward areas with full sun exposure or partial shade. They are tough plants as well as tin tolerate drought.
Ghost Plant is a diversity of White Mugwort that has upright, regal colored stems that has nighttime greenish leaves, flushed amongst regal color. it consists of a rich spray of creamy-white colored flowers.
5. Roman Wormwood (Artemisia pontica)
Roman Wormwood is native to the southeastern role of Europe. It is an extremely fragile flora that tin grow from 1.5 to iii feet inward height. It has ferny, triangular leaves that are gray-green in color. They grow vigorously amongst a spreading habit of growth. They brand amazing ground covers due to their rapid growth. Some gardeners fifty-fifty term it equally invasive.
These types of Artemisia flowers are chocolate-brown inward color as well as are really small. However, they are numerous. Flowers grow at the top of the stalks inward the shape of thick as well as long spikes.
The Roman Wormwood is an ingredient inward vermouth as well as some alcoholic beverages. The leaves have got an extremely fine as well as fragile texture that makes these types of artemisias good fillers for bouquets as well as dried arrangements. They are also used to brand the base of operations of miniature wreaths. Pressed leaves of Roman Wormwood are used equally decorations for banker's complaint cards, candles, as well as other crafts.
6. Silver Mound (Artemisia schmidtiana)
Silver Mound is known for its delicate, fine, as well as attractive foliage that has a mounding habit. It is native to Japan. It is low, silky cushion having extremely fine, glistening foliage that is white inward color. the flowers of Silver Mound are non attractive or prominent.
The pop cultivars that are available are Silver Mound and Nana. Many people think Silver Mound and Nana are ii unlike names of the same plant. However, Nana is but four inches tall whereas Silver Mound is normally a human foot tall. Silver Mound is to a greater extent than popular, owing to its utilization equally a depression edging plant.
Silver Mound is an attractive flora early on inward the flavor but the centers gape opened upwards rather sloppily due to the estrus of summers. This ruins the bushy number that is associated amongst the Silver Mound.
7. Beach Wormwood (Artemisia stellerana)
Beach Wormwood is native to Japan, China, Russian Far East, Korea, as well as Aleutian Islands inward the United States. It is an evergreen perennial plant that tin grow 1 to 2 feet inward height. Its leaves remain all yr long piece the flowers bloom from July to September.
It has a spreading increment habit due to which it is suitable to live on used as ground cover. It cannot tolerate estrus or humidity inward summers, although it is hardy to Zone 2. They prefer growing inward medium loamy as well as low-cal sandy soils that are well-drained. It tin grow inward acidic, basic, as well as neutral pH. Beach Wormwood cannot grow inward shade. They tin tolerate drought.
Silver Brocade is a cultivar of Beach Wormwood that has felted, non-aromatic, lobed, white colored leaves as well as white felted stems.
8. Artemisia chamaemelifolia
It is native to Asia and Central Europe. It is a semi-woody species of Artemisia. They autumn nether hardiness zone 3. Artemisia chamaemelifolia grows to a peak of 2 feet. it has finely cut, aromatic, as well as shine foliage.
9. Artemisia versicolor
Artemisia versicolor is a mystery herb. Not much information is available on them, they are depression growing plants that practise non grow to a greater extent than than a human foot tall. They have got finely cutting curly, pale gray-green foliage.
10. Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia annua)
The mutual cite of Sweet Wormwood is sweetness annie. It is also known equally sweetness sagewort, annual wormwood, or annual mugwort. It is an annual herbaceous Artemisia that has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. It is native to Asia. It tin grow to live on equally tall equally nine feet. it is fast growing species of Artemisia.
Sweet Wormwood contains artemisinin which is a leading handling for malaria affliction all some the world. This flora is grown alone as well as thence that this chemical compound tin live on derived inward bulk.
11. Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
Tarragon is a popular culinary herb. It is native to Northern Hemisphere. It grows inward hardiness zones v to 8. It tin grow upwards to iii feet tall. This type of Artemisia rarely produces whatsoever flowers.
Tarragon herb should live on planted afterwards the final frost has passed. It grows inward areas that have moderate Sun amongst slight shade inward the afternoon. It grows best inward a well-drained, rich, as well as loamy soil.
There are many other types of Artemisias that have got culinary as well as ornamental uses, but the ones discussed are the most mutual as well as well-known amidst all.
Taking Care of Artemisia Plants
Artemisia plants are low maintenance and slow to grow plants. However, that does non hateful they practise non need to live on taken tending of.
The initiative off factor that affects the increment of Artemisia is the type of soil. They need well-drained soil for proper growth. They tin grow good in rock gardens and areas amongst extremely sudden drainage, having long droughts. They volition either dry out out or rot if they are planted inward moist clays or other heavy soil types. If Artemisias are grown inward soil that is equally good moist, they grow really chop-chop but they flop as well as autumn open. It is ever recommended that Artemisia be planted inward dry out soils.
Artemisia plants grow best inward areas that have got Sun exposures as well as are warm. When they are planted inward role shade, they are a higher adventure of flopping as well as getting infected past times the disease. In areas where at that spot are humid summers, Artemisias can instruct foliar diseases that tin final result inward a reject inward the foliage (for which Artemisias are popular). it is of import that the site of increment is well-ventilated as well as receives full sun.
Some types of Artemisia grow as well as thence rapidly that they are considered invasive. They grow past times hugger-mugger stems or rhizomes. H5N1 banking concern gibe tin live on kept past times planting Artemisias in containers or reining them inward regularly past times earthworks upwards runners.
Artemisas are non known for their flowers but for their aroma as well as for their foliage. Artemisias are 1 of those genera of plants that have got stunning foliage. Types of Artemisia flowers aren’t many, equally most of the types of Artemisias have inconspicuous, white or yellowish flowers.
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