31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

I’m inward dire demand of 2 novel business office chairs.  I receive got an erstwhile i where the faux leather is peeling (looks atrocious but is super comfortable alongside all the bells together with whistles).  My other business office chair is non bad, but it’s non equally comfortable equally I’d like.  My preference is a real high back, multiple disceptation together with swivel options, adjustable arms together with plush seat.  But my preferences may non live your preferences together with therefore nosotros pose together this epic desk chair buying guide.

Discover the 31 different types of desk chairs you lot tin give the sack purchase for your business office (home or commercial office) right here.  We did the enquiry together with laid out plenty of options via styles, colors, materials together with features.

The right desk chair is very, real of import particularly if you lot want your business office to expect neat together with to a greater extent than importantly, live comfortable spell working.

Our listing of the best types of desk chairs

Related: 46 different types of business office equipment | Herman Miller Aeron business office chair review

1. Style


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)Source: Hayneedle

Traditional desk chairs are going to expect at habitation inward whatever home office or inward a concern situation. While they are available inward a number of materials, they ascendency the room no affair what together with delineate the optic of whatever visitor. They by together with large swivel together with roll, allowing the user to easily navigate to a greater extent than or less the room together with attain papers on his or her desk without having to larn up. In addition, it’s normal for them to come upwards alongside a pneumatic elevator adjustment on the spot therefore that the user tin give the sack become far equally slow equally possible to piece of work at the desk. This type of desk chair is what is typically depicted inward the movies together with volition expect neat inward a bank, inward a CEO’s office, or fifty-fifty tucked into a perfectly designed habitation office.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

Modern chairs add a spot of interest together with also unremarkably a brilliant fleck of color to an office, keeping the infinite from beingness likewise dull together with serious spell soundless offering the comfort together with back upwards that a user needs to larn the project done. Often inward brilliant colors, these chairs are completely functional but receive got real different lines than a traditional business office chair does. With to a greater extent than exposed metallic components, ofttimes brilliant vinyl, together with colors such equally orange, brilliant green, together with terracotta, this chair is equally much of a argument slice equally it is a functional slice of slice of furniture together with volition brilliant upwards fifty-fifty the dullest office.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Wayfair

Offering the comfort of a traditional business office chair alongside a piffling to a greater extent than flair together with color, transitional chairs are neat for users who demand to live able to larn the project done but soundless want to receive got a piffling fun spell they are working. While you lot tin give the sack purchase them inward neutral blacks together with browns, portion of the appeal of these chairs is that they come upwards inward brighter colors together with tin give the sack live used to accessorize the business office without beingness likewise much of a focal point. With all of the options of other chairs, including swivel blueprint together with stiff casters, this chair is equally comfortable equally it is attractive.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)Source: Hayneedle

It tin give the sack live a piffling to a greater extent than hard to observe an business office chair that volition fit inward a Craftsman-style habitation but they are worth the hunt. They by together with large do non come upwards alongside wheels or the might to swivel but brand upwards for that alongside their stiff lines, venture forest construction, together with attractive outline. There is by together with large a lot of visual involvement alongside these chairs, including turned legs together with attractive upholstery that volition stand upwards up to years of utilisation without wearing sparse or showing its age. For a really iconic look, a lighter neutral upholstery alongside nighttime forest frame creates a gorgeous chair.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

Similar to Craftsman-style chairs inward that they are venture pieces of slice of furniture alongside no moving parts, farmhouse desk chairs offering vogue together with substance. With opened upwards lattice inward the back, venture forest construction, together with a nighttime goal that volition ensure that the chair does non stick out from the balance of the slice of furniture inward the home, users tin give the sack rely on this chair to concluding for a long fourth dimension without e'er breaking. They do non by together with large come upwards alongside upholstery, which tin give the sack brand them hard to utilisation for longer periods of time, but their classic vogue to a greater extent than than makes upwards for that.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)Source: Hayneedle

A cabin business office needs a chair that won’t stick out similar a sore pollex together with a rustic-style chair is perfect for this situation. With exposed pino that mimics the structure of a log habitation together with imitation leather cushions that are right at habitation inward a cabin inward the woods, these chairs are solidly constructed, built to concluding for decades, but soundless comfortable plenty to utilisation on a daily basis. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 swivel spot together with casters brand this chair slow to utilisation fifty-fifty though it is heavier together with bulkier than other options.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)Source: Hayneedle

A habitation decorated inward a mid-century vogue needs to receive got a desk chair that matches the balance of the décor or it volition expect real out of identify alongside the balance of the furnishings. Choosing a desk chair that mimics the balance of the slice of furniture is of import together with volition aid to accomplish a cohesive expect inward the habitation office. With exposed wood, an attractive padded gray spot together with back, together with legs that mimic the sparse vogue together with shape of mid-century modern slice of furniture legs, this chair volition fit right into the habitation office. Comfort isn’t neglected equally the swivel spot together with adjustable altitude become far slow for every user to brand this chair a comfortable fit spell he or she works.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

Fashion bloggers, designers, together with makeup artists should live able to receive got a desk chair that matches their personalities, jobs, together with lifestyles. Instead of using deadening dark business office chairs that are functional but don’t fit alongside the balance of the room’s décor, glam desk chairs add together a brilliant spot to the business office together with allow users to honey their chairs’ blueprint equally good equally their function. Gold goal on the frame makes the chair really popular together with stand upwards out from the balance of the slice of furniture together with a seat, back, together with arms covered inward sherpa upholstery brand the chair non entirely real comfortable but also a conversation slice for everyone who enters the office.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

The industrial expect is all well-nigh stiff lines, exposed metal, together with an optic for detail. Industrial desk chairs tin give the sack live precisely equally comfortable equally other vogue chairs equally long equally they offering comfortable upholstery together with the might to suit the chair. Often armless equally this volition streamline the appearance of the chair, they tend to come upwards inward nighttime neutral colors that volition fit alongside the balance of the décor choices without standing out equally the primary betoken of attending inward a room. Hand-stitched details ensure that the chair is attractive together with continue it from becoming deadening together with blending inward likewise much to the background.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

Capture the feeling of the isle together with the torrid zone alongside a desk chair that won’t brand you lot experience equally though you’re stuck inward the office. Made alongside wicker or Abaca together with wood, these chairs brand you lot experience equally if you lot could stair exterior onto the beach equally before long equally you lot are finished alongside your adjacent coming together but soundless offering all of the back upwards that you lot demand to become far through the 24-hour interval without dorsum pain. Their lighter forest color looks neat inward offices decorated alongside neutrals equally brilliant colors volition tend to clash alongside the natural appearance of the wood.

2. Desk Chair Features

Adjustable Height

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Wayfair

It’s of import that you lot tin give the sack suit the altitude of your desk chair to your desk therefore that you’ll live equally comfortable equally possible when working. Not beingness able to heighten or lower your spot tin give the sack final result inward a lot of dorsum hurting at the terminate of the 24-hour interval together with you lot volition experience equally if you lot are straining to consider your reckoner all 24-hour interval long. Adjustable altitude is also required if you lot part an business office alongside some other individual equally it is real unlikely that you lot would both demand the same altitude chair together with having the might to heighten together with lower the chair ensures that everyone is equally comfortable equally possible.

Big & Tall

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

Small desk chairs don’t offering the back upwards together with comfort that larger men demand when they are inward an business office province of affairs therefore it’s a practiced thought to purchase a chair that caters to comfort together with adjustability. Big together with tall desk chairs should come upwards alongside 5 casters for added back upwards together with displace together with receive got tilting options equally good equally the might to swivel together with heighten together with lower the seat. All of these features piece of work together to ensure that the chair is equally comfortable equally possible no affair how long you lot demand to live working inward it. Opting for nighttime leather chairs volition improve the appearance together with brand them fifty-fifty to a greater extent than impressive-looking.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Houzz

Long days inward a desk chair tin give the sack crusade dorsum problems, a sore neck, together with wrist problems. The best way to mitigate these issues is to piece of work inward a desk chair that is completely supportive together with perfectly designed to salve pressure level points together with brand working equally comfortable equally possible. With dedicated lumbar back upwards that is built inward together with guaranteed to concluding for the life of the chair equally good equally adjustable arms, swivel, a tilting mechanism, together with breathable textile to continue the user from overheating, these chairs are incredibly comfortable together with volition back upwards the trunk during a long piece of work day. While they aren’t the most attractive desk chair choice available, they volition limit the amount of hurting together with discomfort the user feels.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

While non real mutual inward most offices, kneeling desk chairs are specifically designed to receive got pressure level off of the spine, allow the user to sit down alongside a neutral spine, together with ensure that the lumbar part of the dorsum is supported together with relaxed. They aid to develop core muscles, foster ameliorate blood flow, together with promote ameliorate work. They by together with large don’t come upwards inward a number of styles or color options but their surface is soft together with real padded therefore that the user doesn’t experience discomfort when using this desk chair. Due to their design, they may expect a piffling out of identify inward traditional or glam business office settings.

Lumbar Support

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Wayfair

Back hurting is mutual for people who sit down at desk chairs all 24-hour interval long together with i of the best ways to scrap this number is to purchase a chair that has built-in lumbar back upwards to brand for certain that you lot are sitting equally correctly equally possible. Instead of slouching together with allowing your dorsum to conform into a soft leather chair, i that has lumbar back upwards offers you lot the needed back upwards necessary to continue your spine inward the right position. This ensures that you lot receive got less dorsum pain, that you lot tin give the sack piece of work longer together with harder, together with that you lot won’t live stiff when getting upwards to receive got a break. Chairs alongside lumbar back upwards come upwards inward a number of styles together with volition piece of work alongside most whatever office.

Tilt Control

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Wayfair

There’s cypher the same equally leaning dorsum inward your desk chair at the terminate of the 24-hour interval together with enjoying a few moments earlier you lot caput to the door. Being able to stretch dorsum a piffling inward your chair allows you lot to decompress your spine together with receive got a few relaxing breaths earlier tackling the commute home. It isn’t comfortable to sit down completely upright all 24-hour interval long but that’s what a lot of desk chairs require for the people using them. It’s of import to live able to shift your spot together with observe a to a greater extent than comfortable way to work. Desk chairs that receive got a tilting machinery are the ones that brand this possible.

With Wheels

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

It’s really overnice to live able to displace freely to a greater extent than or less the office, grabbing things off of your desk or moving to peek out of the window without really having to travel out of your chair. Having a desk chair alongside wheels also makes it real slow to force the chair nether the desk when non inward utilisation together with to delineate it out alongside precisely i hand. For added mobility inward the business office together with therefore you lot don’t receive got to worry well-nigh whether or non you lot volition live able to chop-chop slide over to larn something from the other side of the room, a chair alongside wheels is the best choice.

Without Wheels

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

While wheels brand navigating a larger business office real easy, if you lot receive got a modest business office or only prefer finer lines, together with therefore you lot volition want to consider a chair without wheels. These ofttimes receive got to a greater extent than blueprint elements such equally hairpin legs, lattice piece of work inward the dorsum of the chair, together with turned legs that volition improve the overall appearance of the room. They tin give the sack live to a greater extent than hard to delineate out from the desk but for many people the improved vogue volition brand upwards for that modest frustration. Look for details when buying a chair without legs, such equally neat upholstery together with a stain that matches the balance of the slice of furniture inward your office.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

Most people displace when they recall together with beingness able to swivel inward a chair offers them that ability. Swivel chairs are also beneficial because they allow workers to easily expect inward different directions inward the office, plow to attain something off of some other slice of furniture, or expect to a greater extent than or less spell inward a meeting. Choosing a swivel chair allows for a lot to a greater extent than displace when behind the desk together with ensures that the user tin give the sack experience a piffling to a greater extent than gratis spell at work.

Without Swivel

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

For a classic expect that is also real streamlined, opt for a desk chair that doesn’t swivel. These by together with large come upwards inward venture forest or acrylic, offering leather or high-end upholstery options, together with volition straight off update the appearance of the desk together with office. While they won’t offering equally much displace equally a chair alongside swivel does, they are soundless real functional together with slow to use. They’re ideal for desks that are a piffling fleck smaller equally it volition live harder to plow together with attain when using this type of desk chair.

Ball Chair

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

Designed to aid people focus when they want to displace during work, ball chairs are a neat way to sit down at the desk spell soundless beingness able to displace around. They encourage displace but receive got plenty back upwards together with a strong-enough transcend that they tin give the sack easily concord upwards to 250 pounds. If they commence to deflate, together with therefore it is slow to see them dorsum up. While non the most ergonomic desk chair available, they receive got their benefits. They volition expect out of identify inward a traditional business office but are mutual inward businesses owned past times forwards thinkers who empathize that workers demand to live able to displace together with release unloosen energy during the day.

3. Chair Arm Options


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Wayfair

Armless desk chairs offering a lot of displace together with flexibility but they aren’t equally comfortable to utilisation for long periods of fourth dimension since you lot can’t balance your arms downward at your side. They’re a neat choice if you lot are going to live working on the reckoner for most of the fourth dimension at piece of work but non the best choice if you lot concord a lot of meetings together with want to live comfortable spell sitting at your desk during them.

Fixed Arms

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Wayfair

Desk chairs alongside fixed arms offering back upwards when you lot receive got a intermission from working but since they are entirely at i height, it tin give the sack live a piffling tricky to observe the right ones for you. As long equally the arms are the perfect altitude for your trunk type, together with therefore you lot are for certain to live real comfortable.

Adjustable Arms

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)Source: Wayfair

Being able to heighten together with lower the arms on your desk chair ensures that you lot are comfortable the whole fourth dimension you’re working. Unfortunately, this characteristic is by together with large entirely available on to a greater extent than contemporary-looking chairs equally traditional forest options won’t receive got adjustable arms. If you lot part your desk chair alongside other users or receive got problems finding i that is real comfortable, together with therefore this is a characteristic that you lot may live interested in.

4. Material


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

Desk chairs covered alongside textile are going to brand the whole business office appear a piffling to a greater extent than cozy. They’re by together with large slow to reupholster if you lot create upwards one's heed that you lot want to alter the appearance of your chair together with are warmer than other options.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)Source: Houzz

Leather desk chairs are a commanding slice of slice of furniture together with volition brand people who come upwards into your business office pay attending to you lot together with observe you. Look for leather that has warm undertones therefore that it volition improve the appearance of your office. Leather cleans easily together with volition concluding for a long time.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

Wood desk chairs are going to live the sturdiest choice available but are non the most comfortable choice. If you lot volition live sitting at your desk for most of the day, together with therefore you lot volition want to either purchase a cushion to aid alongside the discomfort of sitting on venture forest or opt for a chair alongside different materials to ensure that you lot don’t receive got whatever problems alongside your back.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

Mesh desk chairs are a lot cooler to utilisation than upholstery or leather chairs together with since they allow the air to displace through them, they are less probable to e'er receive got problems alongside a musty odour or odor. They tend to cast to a greater extent than to the trunk together with ofttimes come upwards alongside built-in lumbar back upwards to ensure that the user is equally comfortable equally possible. These chairs aren’t real traditional inward appearance but their comfort outweighs the blueprint for many people.

Faux Leather

colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

You tin give the sack larn the appearance of leather without the toll tag when you lot opt for imitation leather but it’s of import to brand for certain that the character is good. Faux leather chairs come upwards inward all styles together with tin give the sack piece of work good inward ornate offices alongside lots of carved forest equally good equally to a greater extent than modern spaces, depending on the vogue that you lot choose.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)Source: Hayneedle

Plastic desk chairs tend to live a piffling less expensive than other types but depending on the character of construction, they volition non concluding equally long. While formed plastic tin give the sack expect incredibly modern, it also tends to expect mutual frigidness together with informal if non used correctly.


colored habitation business office desk chair inward nicely appointed modern habitation business office 31 Best Types of Office Chairs for Your Desk (Based on What You Need)

Source: Hayneedle

These desk chairs ofttimes come upwards inward brilliant colors, are slow to wipe clean, together with are fairly comfortable. The occupation alongside vinyl is that it may demand to off-gas afterward you lot purchase it together with it volition stain real easily, particularly if you lot drib a mark on the surface.

Office Chair FAQ

Can business office chairs live repaired?

Office chairs tin give the sack live repaired, depending upon their problem. Depending upon the repair needed together with the desires of the “repairer”, repairing a chair instead of throwing it out may live a practiced choice. Common problems worth repairing include the spot cushion, the castors, together with the gas cylinder. For example, mayhap you lot create upwards one's heed that your chair is non equally comfortable equally was when it was new. Office chairs are non designed for extended periods of sitting. This province of affairs may live a practiced choice for repair.

Can business office chairs live recycled?

Office chairs are “put together” from many materials. These materials are hard to split when the chair has outlived its usefulness. This agency that recycling business office chairs is non real cost-effective. Consequently, at that spot are non many recycled business office chairs on the market. Office chairs are unremarkably made alongside metal, wood, plastic, fabric, together with leather. These materials are probable to crusade the erstwhile chair to live incinerated or become to a landfill. Recyclers typically do non want to tear the chair apart to consider what materials are recyclable.

That said, at that spot may live used business office slice of furniture stores inward your expanse that may recycle used business office chairs.

The ameliorate choice is to endeavour to donate it, give it away or resell it.

Can used business office chairs live sold?

Maybe. If the marketplace spot for used seating is saturated inward your area, you lot may receive got problem getting rid of it. When this is the case, it may live ameliorate to observe a 3rd political party to take away the items, sometimes at no charge. Sometimes, precisely finding some other entity that volition pass the fourth dimension together with travail to larn rid of the slice of furniture volition do.

Are business office chairs practiced for gaming?

They may live practiced for it, but it is a affair of personal choice. Some people state they are uncomfortable, but some people state that fifty-fifty the best-designed business office chairs are uncomfortable, too. There is no i best answer for every situation. The best advice is to examine the chair out for yourself. If you lot do non similar the gaming chair, together with therefore precisely larn an business office chair. Remember that gaming chairs are made to expect cool starting fourth dimension together with comfort is a secondary consideration. Office chairs, however, are made to live comfortable but expect overnice also. Like anything else, at that spot are exceptions to these rules.

Can business office chairs live regassed?

The answer to this enquiry is straightforward: no, they cannot. While i tin give the sack endeavour this, the chair volition in all likelihood non piece of work equally it did before. Even if i hardly e'er adjusts the altitude of the chair, the gas cylinder that raises or lowers the chair volition in all likelihood “leak out” over time. This manifests itself equally non beingness able to heighten together with lower the chair. Then, it volition progress to where the business office chair cannot back upwards the spot together with the chair volition sink to the bottom, alongside or without the weight of a person. Sometimes, these gas cylinders precisely halt working, typically afterward 10 years or to a greater extent than of life. If i really loves the chair, he/she should guild a replacement gas cylinder.

Can business office chairs live reupholstered?

Yes, i tin give the sack reupholster an business office chair. However, the feasibility of doing therefore depends upon several things. First, how much is the user of the chair inward honey alongside the chair? This gene does non impact how much it costs to reupholster the chair, entirely how much the user wishes to retain that chair. Secondly, consider the economical together with fourth dimension factors. It volition swallow less fourth dimension for i to purchase a novel chair equally opposed to reupholstering the chair. In the world, nosotros alive inward where fourth dimension equals money, it may live precisely equally inexpensive or cheaper to purchase a novel chair. Thirdly, what needs to live repaired is also a consideration. Some parts of the chair repair require to a greater extent than fourth dimension together with money. Does the frame demand repairing, or only i of the castors?

How tall are business office chairs?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this, precisely measure sizes. However, at that spot are mutual “brackets of sizes” for business office chairs. Additionally, this is hard to categorize because at that spot are many different options. For example, how high is the backrest together with whether or non at that spot is a cervix rest. Office chairs, however, unremarkably attain from 31 to xl inches total.

How broad are business office chairs?

A typical business office chair has a spot that measures betwixt nineteen inches together with 21-5/8 inches wide. This by together with large accommodates persons who are 5’4” through 6’1”. Once again, this demand depends upon who volition really live sitting inward the chair, together with how long they volition live using the chair. Many chairs are rated for a for certain fourth dimension used.

Source: homestratosphere.com
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