75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

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Related: All Scandinavian-Style homes

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Source: HomeBay

This is a bath amongst that distinct Scandinavian-Style of white as well as brilliant subject amongst its white walls as well as white sink that matches the white bathtub. This bathtub doubles equally the shower surface area equally good that is illuminated yesteryear a modest frosted window yesteryear the overhead shower.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Source: HomeBay

The bathtub of this Scandinavian-Style bath is placed yesteryear a tall window on a wall painted chocolate brown. This contrasts the modern faucets as well as the wooden built-in cabinets as well as drawers of the vanity surface area amongst a twosome of sinks facing a massive window.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Source: Redfin

There is a freestanding bathtub placed inwards a nook surrounded yesteryear white walls that contrast the night greyish tiles of the flooring. The wooden vanity surface area has 2 sets of sinks amongst their ain night faucets as well as wall-mounted mirrors.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Source: Redfin

This Scandinavian-Style bath has white walls, a white ceiling, as well as a white vanity surface area that has a white sink built into a white marble housing that extends to a backsplash. This white monotony is broken yesteryear the scenery of nature exterior the window.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Source: Redfin

This bath has walls covered inwards bounding main dark-green wallpaper that matches good amongst the night greyish housing of the sink surface area extending to the backsplash. This contrasts amongst the golden fixtures of the bath equally good equally the golden brackets of the circular vanity mirror.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Source: Redfin

The shower surface area of this Scandinavian-Style bath has white-tiled walls as well as flooring as well as is separated from the repose of the bath amongst a drinking glass wall. The vanity surface area has a wall-mounted mirror framed amongst woods as well as built-in shelves that tally the drawers of the sink.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Source: Redfin

The bathroom’s white tiles are illuminated yesteryear a even out mountain ceiling low-cal inwards the middle of a white ceiling. The modest vanity surface area has a white sink amongst ceramic stand upward as well as wall-mounted mirror. Above the mirror is a wall-mounted light that seems to blend into the white walls.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Source: Redfin

The shower surface area has a night overhead showerhead that matches amongst the faucets of the bathroom. This shower surface area has greyish tiles on the walls that contrast amongst the white wall of the vanity surface area that has 2 sins as well as a twosome of wall-mounted vanity mirrors.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Source: Redfin

There are 2 vanity mirrors inwards this Scandinavian-Style bath amongst a matching wall-mounted row of spherical lamps above. These lamps illuminate the white sink that blends amongst the white countertop contrasted yesteryear the charming dark faucets.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Source: Redfin

This Scandinavian-Style bath has white-tiled walls fitted amongst dark grout to emphasize the direct lines of the tiles. This subject is complemented yesteryear the dark fixtures of the room as well as the frame of the circular wall-mounted vanity mirror.

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This is an elegant as well as brilliant bath amongst a greyish countertop as well as backsplash for the vanity surface area that has white sink paired amongst a modern dual-knob faucet as well as a broad mirror. This mirror is built into the wall as well as seamlessly connects amongst the narrow window higher upward it.

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This Scandinavian-Style bath has a vanity surface area made of a repurposed distressed long wooden table. The white sink is placed on top of this wooden tabular array amongst its ain built-in faucet. Above the wooden tabular array is a wall-mounted mirror that reflects the white walls as well as high ceiling amongst a sunroof.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: atelier BOOM-TOWN

This unproblematic Scandinavian bath has a white ceiling, white walls, bathtub, toilet, as well as sink. This white subject is counterbalanced yesteryear the dark elements of the flooring tiles, window frame, as well as the night Fe housing of the sink.

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This Scandinavian-Style bath has greyish patterned tiles on its walls as well as flooring this is complemented yesteryear the white sink on a wood-topped vanity surface area equally good equally the white lav as well as bathtub that also doubles equally the shower surface area to salvage space.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: InArch

The bath has hardwood flooring paired amongst low-cal greyish walls that are accented amongst sleek limpet tiles as well as patterned tiles for the walls of the shower area. This shower surface area has an overhead showerhead mounted on the white ceiling.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: InArch

The white patterned tiles of this Scandinavian-Style bath is illuminated yesteryear the trio of wall-mounted modern lights higher upward the broad vanity mirror. The white tiles are contrasted the wooden vanity surface area amongst built-in drawers as well as shelves for the towels.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)


The walls as well as flooring of the shower surface area are made upward of greyish marble that has brownish accents. These accents give it an illusion of texture that contrasts amongst the shine white walls as well as drawers of the sink surface area topped amongst a wall-mounted mirror.

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The white sink of this vanity surface area has wall-mounted wooden housing amongst built-in drawers amongst a infinite beneath the countertop to human activeness equally drawer handles. This wooden chemical ingredient is paired amongst the wooden bracket holding upward the vanity mirror on the white marble wall.

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The white walls of this Scandinavian-Style bath are accented amongst thick wooden planks overlayed on the wall. This accent matches the hardwood flooring of the white vanity surface area which is separated from the lav surface area yesteryear a drinking glass door.

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This Scandinavian-Style master copy bath is divided into 3 sections separated yesteryear drinking glass doors. The commencement 1 is the vanity surface area amongst a white sink across from the bathtub built-into the wall. The minute is the lav surface area adjacent to the shower area.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: Mudrogelenko

This is a quaint as well as intimate bath that gave close of its flooring infinite to the white bathtub built into the beige-tiled wall. Beside it is a modest white floating sink topped amongst a wall-mounted medicine cabinet that has a mirror confront as well as shelf beneath it.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: PplusP Designers

The vanity surface area is made of rock built into the wall as well as has a dark countertop that contrasts the modest sink on top of it. The gray-walled bathtub surface area is separated yesteryear a drinking glass wall as well as has a rustic wooden ladder to move used equally a towel rack.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: PplusP Designers

This is a modest Scandinavian-Style bath that has a metallic element circular sink built into a rock construction that is held upward yesteryear Fe legs. The same rock complete is given to the walls as well as flooring as well as is contrasted amongst modest patterned tiles on the wall of the shower area.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: NORM Architects

The night tiles of the flooring as well as walls are contrasted yesteryear the sleek whiteness of the vanity area. The white sink is built into a white slice of wall that extends to the white shed ceiling as well as holds a wall-mounted rectangular vanity mirror amongst backlight.

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in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The shower surface area is separated from the repose of the Scandinavian-Style bath yesteryear a drinking glass door which blends seamlessly amongst the greyish walls. It has modern shower fixtures that tally amongst the faucets of the vanity surface area that has a white countertop.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This chic Scandinavian-Style bath has sunny behaviour amongst its depression shed ceiling paired amongst a ceiling window that illuminates the white tiles amongst sunlight. The freestanding bathtub amongst elegant legs is placed against the depression terminate of the ceiling against a limpet wall.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The highlight of this Scandinavian-Style bath is the drinking glass transparent bathtub that has a greenish tint. This is paired amongst a massive window that shows the nature outside. The white vanity surface area seems to blend into the white walls topped amongst a long as well as narrow vanity mirror.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This is Scandinavian-Style bath amongst a few elegant details added to its unproblematic brightness. The white sink has fashionable ceramic legs holding it up. The white bathtub that is built into the wall adjacent to a window is topped yesteryear a pendant low-cal that looks similar a flower.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This is a broad as well as wiry bath amongst 3 sections. The shower surface area is behind a drinking glass box land the lav surface area is inwards a modest room behind a door. The bathtub surface area is adjacent to a massive drinking glass window that offers an amazing sentiment of the exterior beauty.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The freestanding white bathtub is placed into a nook beside the curtained French windows. The vanity surface area is built into the greyish wall amongst its white wooden cabinets as well as drawers that get got crystal handles illuminated yesteryear the pivot lights of the white ceiling.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This is a Scandinavian-Style bath dominated yesteryear patterns as well as lines. The lines come upward from the white tiles of the flooring running to the bathtub as well as roughly it. The tiles are paired amongst dark grout to emphasize the lines as well as this is contrasted yesteryear a colorful patterned surface area carpet inwards the middle of the floor.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The flooring tiles get got a greyish as well as white chaotic pattern that is contrasted yesteryear the plainly night wooden elements of the wooden structures housing the 2 vanity areas as well as the bathtub. They stand upward out against the white wall as well as the white ceiling.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This white as well as brilliant bath is dominated yesteryear the large wooden construction housing the vanity area. It is made of night woods amongst an elegant complete on the built-in drawers as well as cabinets. This is contrasted yesteryear the white countertop as well as the white walls.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The massive wooden construction of this Scandinavian-Style master copy bath makes upward the length of the vanity surface area as well as extends all the agency to the bathtub housing yesteryear the window. This is paired amongst a massive wall-mounted vanity mirror amongst wooden frames.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The tall vanity mirrors are built into the white wooden complete of the walls as well as flanked yesteryear modern wall-mounted lamps that tally the faucets. The sinks of the vanity surface area tally amongst the freestanding bathtub yesteryear the French windows.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This Scandinavian-Style bath has a depression shed ceiling amongst a window higher upward the massive bathtub built into white walls surrounded yesteryear greyish tiles fixed inwards a brick wall design. These tiles tally those of the flooring that contrasts the white rock walls.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This Scnadinavian-Style bath is predominantly beige inwards color amongst its beige marble flooring as well as beige tiles adorning the walls. The shower surface area is through a drinking glass door as well as has walls as well as flooring that tally the beige marble.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The centerpiece of this bath is the bathtub that is fixed into an elegant white wooden construction that has a beige marble countertop matching those of the vanity area’s countertop. The bathtub is illuminated yesteryear a row of French windows beside it.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This is a predominantly white bath amongst its white marble flooring as well as white walls which are brightened upward yesteryear the sunroof on the white ceiling. The white bathtub is inlaid amongst the same white marble equally the flooring equally good equally its backsplash.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The wall of the vanity surface area is dominated yesteryear a massive white wooden construction amongst elegant drawers as well as cabinets amongst crystal handles. This seems to blend into the white walls that are reflected yesteryear the sleek white flooring of this Scandinavian-Style bathroom.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The white sink of the vanity surface area is covered inwards beige tiles as well as paired amongst a argent faucet. This subject is mirrored inwards the white bathtub that is covered inwards the same beige tiles as well as paired amongst a argent faucet as well as proper name shower head.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This is a white white-walled Scandinavian-Style bath that has beige flooring tiles making the built-in cabinets as well as drawers of the vanity surface area stand upward out. The light that is mounted on the broad vanity mirror illuminates the white countertop as well as the white ceiling.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The white tiles of the flooring get got a pattern of sea-green diamonds on it that tally amongst the curtains of the tall windows beside the freestanding bathtub. Over this bathtub is a pendant low-cal amongst a beige encompass that matches amongst the wall-mounted lights of the vanity area.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This Scandinavian-Style bath has white shed ceiling amongst a window higher upward the white floating toilet. Beside the lav is a white bathtub built-into the corner of the room amongst the same tiles equally the flooring as well as wall. It is partially covered yesteryear a drinking glass wall.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This is a broad as well as airy Scandinavian-Style bath due to its trio of windows lining the wall that illuminates the white freestanding bathtub amongst natural light. Across the bathtub is a floating vanity surface area amongst 2 sinks as well as topped amongst a broad wall-mounted mirror.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

This is a white as well as modern Scandinavian-Style bath amongst a sleek floating vanity surface area that has a drinking glass countertop paired amongst a modern faucet. Above this is a mirror embedded into the white wall inwards a foursquare cove. Besides the vanity is the white bathtub that is built into the corner amongst the same white tiles on the floor.

in tub below a window as well as a large vanity mirror higher upward a pedestal sink 75 Scandinavian-Style Master Bathroom Ideas (Photos)

The white bathtub has a housing of unique beige tiles amongst an embossed pattern that matches amongst the limpet tiles of the backsplash. This backsplash is contrasted yesteryear a charming brass faucet that matches amongst the brass handles of the wooden drawers of the vanity.

This Scandinavian-Style bathroom’s shower surface area is bordered from the repose of the bath amongst a drinking glass wall. It has dark tile for the flooring as well as white hexagonal tiles for the walls. This contrasts the low-cal greyish walls of the repose of the bathroom.

This bath is dominated yesteryear the intricate patterns of the dark as well as white tiles of the flooring paired amongst the patterns of the white-tiled walls of the shower area. The shower surface area has a drinking glass door amongst dark frames that tally the frames of the wall-mounted mirrors of the vanity area.

The dark hexagonal tiles of the flooring are paired amongst white grout to emphasize the lines of the tiles. This dark as well as white subject is applied to the repose of the Scandinavian-Style bath amongst its dark handles on white drawers as well as dark fixtures on white walls.

A Scandinavian master copy bath design is 1 of the to the lowest degree favorites of the 1,091,335 bathrooms nosotros studied, accounting for 5,343, or 0.49%, of them. But, this minimalist pattern tin move an splendid alternative for people who desire an open, airy, brilliant master bathroom. The Scandinavian vogue uses a lot of white as well as other neutral colors, amongst mayhap a modest pop of bold, brilliant color equally an accent wall or inwards bath décor. And close Scandinavian master copy bath pattern ideas occupation many of the close pop materials for bathrooms, similar hardwood flooring as well as ceramic tiles.

If you’re unfamiliar amongst this style, nosotros propose browsing our photograph gallery for plenty of Scandinavian master copy bath pattern ideas that tin larn your creative juices flowing for this unique style.

Traditional Elements inwards Scandinavian Master Bathroom Design Ideas

You won’t come across a lot of diversity inwards Scandinavian designs for the bath equally you lot mightiness amongst other styles. This vogue takes its inspiration from Nordic styles from the mid-20th century, which focuses on minimalism, simplicity, as well as neatness.

Everything Has a Place

The scandinavian-style bath pattern should include plenty of storage without making the room experience cluttered. Space-saving built-in desks as well as shelving are the perfect agency to create storage without taking upward too much room inwards a smaller bathroom. Floating vanities are also pop inwards this style, equally they tin create the experience of to a greater extent than opened upward space, land also providing some storage underneath the sink.


One of the colors you’ll come across close inwards the Scandinavian vogue is white, which is also 1 of the close pop colors for bathrooms of the ones nosotros studied. White equally a primary color was used inwards 15.69% of the 948,706 analyzed bathrooms. It’s mutual to come across white walls, fixtures, flooring, furniture, shower tiles as well as to a greater extent than inwards a Scandinavian bathroom. Subtle pops of gray, beige, as well as brown on tiles, fixtures, or cut back tin assist give a piffling chip of color land maintaining the style’s authenticity. You tin also experience amongst pastels on walls or tiles.

Natural Lighting

A master copy bath should get got adequate natural low-cal from windows or skylights to stay faithful to Scandinavian design. In two-story homes, upstairs bathrooms where you lot tin add together inwards a skylight or 2 are perfect for this style, which prefers natural low-cal to artificial light. If you lot can’t larn plenty natural low-cal from windows, recessed lights tin mimic the experience of natural lights yesteryear creating fifty-fifty lighting throughout the room. 

This Scandinavian-Style bath has a unproblematic white as well as brilliant subject that is contrasted yesteryear the charming dark-green tiles of the flooring that has leafy braid-like patterns. These flooring tiles brand the white lav as well as white bathtub stand upward out inwards their brightness.

This is a master copy bath amongst lots of flooring infinite inwards the vanity area. The flooring has greyish tiles that larn inwards await industrial. This is paired amongst white marble walls that extend all the agency to the shower surface area that has a rock wall accented amongst diverse woods planks.

The elements of golden as well as woods stand upward out against the white ceiling as well as white-tiled floors as well as walls. The golden elements are seen on the faucets, overhead shower, as well as their fixtures. The wooden elements are applied to the cabinets, drawers as well as charming piffling bench inwards the shower area.

The bathtub is fixed into the corner of the bath amongst white tiles paired amongst dark grout as well as arranged inwards a brick wall pattern. This is reciprocated yesteryear the dark tiles of the flooring paired amongst white grout. This flooring stands out against the white walls as well as ceiling.

This charming white-ceilinged bath has a quaint circular freestanding bathtub yesteryear the window of the wooden wall. adjacent to this surface area is the lav which is enclosed inwards greyish walls that matches the greyish flooring tiles. The vanity stands out amongst its low-cal bluish drawers as well as mirrors amongst backlight.

This bath has a shower surface area illuminated yesteryear a frosted drinking glass window as well as brightens upward the white tiles of the walls as well as flooring which is topped amongst greyish non-slip surface area rugs for safety. Both the wooden vanity surface area as well as white lav are of a floating pattern to maximize space.

This Scandinavian-Style bath has charming built-in limpet drawers as well as cabinets of the vanity surface area that has a dark countertop amongst 2 sinks paired amongst oblong wall-mounted mirror. This is too a drinking glass door leading to the shower surface area as well as bathtub amongst dark tiles.

The dark built-in drawers of the vanity surface area stand upward out against the white countertop as well as walls equally good equally the flooring of this Scandinavian-Style bathroom. The white bathtub is paired amongst rustic wooden elements of the bath caddy as well as the tree stump stool beside it.

The shower surface area is walled inwards amongst drinking glass as well as white tiles separating it from the repose of the Scandinavian-Style bathroom. The freestanding bathtub is situated beside a window as well as sandwiched yesteryear aa rustic wooden ladder towel rack as well as a potted plant.

The shower surface area of this Scandinavian-Style bath has colorful random flooring tiles as well as white walls that are topped yesteryear drinking glass windows that offering a sentiment of the outside. This shower surface area is separated from the bathtub surface area amongst a drinking glass door as well as wall fixed into the bathtub housing.

The wall-mounted dark as well as white photos give accent to the white walls as well as white ceiling of this unproblematic white bathroom. The white lav is topped amongst ceiling-mounted semi-flush lighting that matches the hexagonal greyish tiles of the floor.

The floating wooden cabinets as well as drawers of the vanity surface area are topped amongst a dark rock countertop extending to the backsplash. The wall-mounted mirror higher upward the backsplash has a wooden frame as well as is flanked yesteryear 2 modern metallic element lamps.

The white bathtub at the corner is topped amongst a pendant low-cal that has a chic brass pattern matching amongst the faucets as well as bath fixtures. There is a sunroof over the white lav beside the vanity surface area that has white wooden drawers as well as a shelf at the bottom.

The patterns of the white-tiled walls as well as the black-tiled flooring complement each other as well as contribute to the unproblematic intricacy of the bathroom. This is contrasted yesteryear potted plants that pop out against the white freestanding bathtub as well as white sink.

This airy bath has a long floating vanity surface area that is broad plenty for 2 sinks amongst their ain golden faucets as well as wall-mounted circular mirrors. The freestanding bathtub at the corner is topped amongst a broad drinking glass window illuminating the white-tiled flooring.

This Scandinavian-Style bath has a depression wooden shed ceiling that has white exposed wooden beams. There is a unproblematic floating white sink yesteryear the door. The drinking glass door leading to the white-tiled shower surface area follows the lay of the shed ceiling.

The white shed ceiling of this Scandinavian-Style bath has a sunroof that looks over the white bathtub that takes upward close of the infinite of the wooden wall. To salvage space, The wooden vanity surface area is embedded into the wall across from the bathtub.

This a brilliant as well as airy bath amongst drinking glass walls opening upward to the rooftop garden. This is paired amongst a glass-mounted modern fireplace that offers warmth to the broad greyish floors as well as rustic wooden ceiling amongst woven wicker as well as exposed beams.

The white bathtub is fixed into a charming cove beside the window amongst greyish tiles that tally the greyish patterns of the flooring tiles as well as complements the low-cal greyish walls. The floating white vanity surface area has a white sink paired amongst a broad rectangular frame-less mirror.

The natural low-cal coming inwards from the dormer window of this Scandinavian-Style bath illuminates the white flooring as well as white shed ceiling amongst exposed wooden beams. beside the window is a white bathtub fixed into the corner.

The entire wall at the caput of the bathtub is made of drinking glass that offers a sentiment of the row of potted plants outside. The natural low-cal of this drinking glass wall is supplemented yesteryear the sunroof on the white ceiling. Contrasting this brightness are the night greyish tiles of the flooring as well as built-in shelves of the vanity area.

The flooring tiles of this Scandinavian-Style bath has intricate sea-green patterns that contrast the white freestanding bathtub paired amongst a golden faucet. This matches amongst the golden faucet as well as fixtures of the white sink illuminated yesteryear a white shuttered window.

This is a modest Scandinavian-Style bath that maximizes its modest flooring infinite amongst a white bathtub fixed into a cove of the beige ceiling, beige walls, as well as drinking glass windows framed amongst wood. The corner is illuminated yesteryear ceiling mounted pivot lights.

The Scandinavian-style bath is dominated yesteryear greyish tones of the flooring tiles that extend to the walls. The shower surface area is separated from the repose of the room yesteryear sliding drinking glass doors framed amongst dark that matches the bath fixtures.

Source: homestratosphere.com
Tag : Bathrooms
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