The scientific cite of Columbine flowers is Aquilegia. They belong to the buttercup family, falling nether the genus that consists of near lx to lxx species. They are herbaceous perennials that are constitute inward woodlands, meadows, in addition to inward regions at higher altitudes all over the Northern Hemisphere.
The word Aquilegia is derived from a Latin word aquilia which agency eagle. These plants are named in addition to so because of their blossom petals which resemble an eagle’s claw. The petals of Columbine flowers are spurred, which is the major feature that sets Columbine flowers apart. Columbine, which is the common name, is derived from the Latin word for ‘dove.’ They are called in addition to so because an inverted Columbine flower resembles a cluster of 5 doves.
Columbine flowers are highly effective inward attracting hummingbirds that brand them a favorite of birdwatchers. They have got beautiful, bell-shaped flowers that brand them first-class garden flowers. Columbine flowers bloom from mid-spring till early-summer. Columbine plants are short-lived, living upwardly to 2 to 3 years only. However, these plants create seeds prolifically in addition to oft persist inward gardens.
There are numerous types of Columbine. H5N1 break of colorful hybrids have got been developed every bit well. The colors of Columbine flowers range from lite pastel to vivid red and orange to xanthous in addition to purple. The foliage of Columbine plants has a lacey appearance, making them a rattling attractive flora type for the garden.
Many types of Columbine flowers are found. It won’t live an exaggeration if nosotros state y'all that Columbine flowers are constitute inward almost all colors! The most mutual types of Columbine flowers have been listed downwards for you.
1. Aquilegia alpine
Aquilegia alpine is commonly known as Alpine Columbine. It is native to mount slopes of the Alps in addition to high meadows of Europe. They are compact species of Columbine, amongst vivid violet-blue colored flowers that are bonnet-shaped. The nodding flowers ascension on slender stems. The foliage of Alpine Columbine is blue-green inward color. Alpine Columbine is a bully alternative if y'all desire to add together some color to your garden.
Alpine Columbine blooms for four to half dozen weeks from late spring till early summer and mightiness re-bloom when autumn settles.
These plants have got a bushy, upright habit of growth. They tin grow to a pinnacle of xviii to 24 inches. They are short-lived. They shape large colonies inward growing seasons, owing to their prolific self-seeding characteristic.
Alpine Columbine grows best inward well-drained soil, having average to medium moisture. They require rich soils. They also need full sun to role shade for best growth. They cannot live inward dry out or poorly-drained soils. They are like shooting fish in a barrel to grow. They tin live grown from seed inward boundary subsequently the direct chances of the concluding frost has passed. Alpine Columbine attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. They are susceptible to leaf miner.
They are bully for cottage gardens, blossom borders, blossom beds, neutralized areas, in addition to shade gardens.
2. Aquilegia atrata
The common name of Aquilegia atrata is Dark Columbine. The give-and-take Atrata has been derived from a Latin word that agency muddied or blackened. The argue why this flora has been named in addition to so is because of its flowers that are nighttime imperial to black, amongst dominant yellow-colored stamens.
It is beautiful flowering species native to wood clearings in addition to alpine meadows of Switzerland in addition to Northern Europe. It has numerous branching stems. It is 1 of the most highly sought Columbine flower species that behaves every bit a showstopper inward boundary gardens because of its deepest colored flowers.
Each stem carries upwardly to 10 flowers. These plants grow to a pinnacle of near 24 inches, higher upwardly the rosette of crow’s-foot leaves.
They require rich soil for optimum growth. The soil should live humusy. It needs full sun or role shade for best growth. It is wintertime hardy (-30oC). They are draught-resistant. They self-seed in addition to grow prolifically when the soil weather are satisfactory.
They are a bully alternative for cottage gardens, garden borders, in addition to beds.
3. Aquilegia caerulea
More commonly known as Rocky Mountain Columbine, Aquilegia caerulea is native to New United Mexican States in addition to Arizona. It is known for its two-colored flowers which are star-like. The petals are creamy-white and sepals and spurs are violet-blue, amongst yellow-colored busy stamens. The iii colors inward 1 blossom make Rocky Mountain Columbine flowers irresistible.
Like other types of Columbine flowers, Rocky Mountain Columbine blooms from late spring to early summer. As they self-seed, they grow prolifically inward suitable conditions.
Rocky Mountain Columbine has an upright, bushy habit. They grow upwardly to a pinnacle of near 24 inches. They prefer growing in full sun or role shade, inward areas that have got rich soil. The soil should live well-drained in addition to moist for optimum growth.
These beautiful types of Columbine flowers make beautiful garden borders, beds, cottage gardens, rock gardens, in addition to await bully inward flora containers for windows. Moreover, they perform good as cut flowers and tin live for upwardly to 2 weeks inward a vase.
4. Aquilegia vulgaris
Aquilegia Vulgarisor Granny’s Bonnet is 1 of the most pop types of Columbine flowers. This species is native to Europe. These perennial plants are bushy in addition to clump-forming. They are extremely attractive, having violet, pink, white, or bluish flowers. With short-hooked spurs in addition to spreading sepals, the Granny’s Bonnet is certain 1 of the most loved types of Columbine flowers. The leaves of these plants are gray-green inward color in addition to circular inward shape in addition to are divided into lobed leaflets.
The growing flavor for Aquilegia Vulgaris is the same every bit the other types of Columbine plants, that is, from belatedly boundary to early on summer.
Numerous cultivars of Aquilegia vulgaris have been developed (the Barlow series) whose colors include white, pink, red, violet, in addition to blue. The flowers may live unmarried or double in addition to unremarkably either short-spurred or spurless.
They grow inward an upright habit upwardly to a pinnacle of sixteen to twenty inches. Like other Columbine varieties, they every bit good are self-seeding in addition to short-lived. They grow best in full sun or role shade, where the soil is well-drained, has average to medium wet in addition to is rich.
As they are rattling attractive in addition to like shooting fish in a barrel to grow, they brand bully garden borders, garden beds, cottage and rock gardens, in addition to shade gardens. They are also excellent cut flowers.
Numerous cultivars of Aquilegia vulgaris have been developed which are quite successful. Some of them are:
Black Barlow (having the darkest blooms)
Clementine Rose (pink-colored, double flowers)
Clementine Salmon Rose (Salmon colored flowers)
Magpie (bicolored flowers, white in addition to nighttime imperial inward color)
Leprechaun (gold in addition to greenish variegated leaves)
5. Aquilegia McKana
Aquilegia McKana is 1 of the prettiest types of Columbine flowers because of their large flowers. The flowers of Aquilegia McKana are nodding in addition to brightly colored, sometimes bicolored, in addition to have longspurs. They are constitute inward many colors including crimson in addition to yellow, bluish in addition to white, in addition to unlike combinations of imperial in addition to pinks.
They have got lovely foliage that is fern-like. Their blooming flavor is from late spring to early summer. These perennials have got an upright habit of growth. Like all other Columbine species, they every bit good are short-lived, in addition to self-seeding.the increment requirements are similar too, which are full sun or role shade, well-drained, moderately moist, rich soil. They are susceptible to leaf miner.
They are depression maintenance plants that brand breathtakingly beautiful garden borders, beds, cottage, in addition to shade gardens.
6. Aquilegia canadensis
One of the most mutual types of Columbine plant is Aquilegia Canadensis, commonly known every bit the Red Columbine. It has been named based on its flowers. They are a native plant of rocky slopes in addition to woodlands of Eastern North America. Red Columbine flowers, every bit the cite indicates, are crimson inward color amongst xanthous stamens. They are nodding, amongst spurred petals that are upwards, in addition to colored sepals (alternating amongst spreading). The leaves are compound. Not exclusively are the flowers attractive, but the leaves of Red Columbine are also rattling attractive.
Red Columbine is rut in addition to mutual coldness tolerant species. They require full sun or role shade, amongst well-drained soil. They perform best inward an element of group I pH (6.8 to 7.2). They prefer sandy loam, medium loam, sandy, in addition to limestone-based soil types. They don’t require soil that is every bit good rich.
Their attractive flowers brand them a expert add-on to gardens. They tin fifty-fifty live planted inward pots!
7. Aquilegia x hybrid
Aquilegia x hybrid is known for its showy, spurred blooms. Their foliage is fern-like. The flowers are constitute inward many unlike colors including pink, white, red, blue, yellow, in addition to violet. The flowers bloom from mid-spring till early summer.
These clump-forming perennial plants grow to a pinnacle of upwardly to 3 feet. The fern-like foliage is gray-green to blue-green. The blossom stalks have got upright spikes and stalks amongst flowers hang downwards.
They require full sun to role shade for increment similar most of the other Columbine species. They require constant moisture. However, the flora would function past times away if the soil becomes waterlogged. The soil should live well-drained in addition to rich. They grow aggressively owing to their self-seed character.
They are excellent cut flowers and brand bully dried flowers for ornamental purposes.
8. Aquilegia flabellata
The common name of Aquilegia flabellata is Dwarf Columbine or Fan Columbine. They are native to Nihon in addition to Korea (Eastern Asia). This is a dwarf species that grows upwardly to 8 to 12 inches tall. Dwarf Columbine flowers are blue-violet or pale bluish inward color, amongst petals inward a creamy-white shade. The leaves are divided in addition to slightly glaucous.
Unlike other types of Columbine plants that were discussed above, the Dwarf Columbine is a slow-growing variety. The flowers bloom from Apr till July. They grow best inward areas that are either full sun or semi-shaded regions every bit inward lite woodland. They prefer soil type that is lite sandy, medium loamy, in addition to well-drained in addition to moist. They tin grow inward acidic, alkaline, in addition to neutral pH.
Their compact shape makes them a suitable alternative for rock gardens. They brand lovely garden borders, cottage, in addition to opened upwardly shade gardens. Blue Angel is 1 of the most pop varieties of Aquilegia flabellata.
9. Aquilegia chrysantha
Aquilegia chrysantha is commonly known every bit the Golden Columbine. It is native to the southwestern regions of the United States (from Utah to Texas) in addition to northwestern Mexico.
The flowers of the Golden Columbine have 5 yellow sepals that are pointed in addition to 5 xanthous petals having long spurs that projection backward. The blossom has yellow-colored stamens inward the center. They are bushy perennial plants that grow to a pinnacle of near 3 feet. The flowers are held erect on fairly long stalks. The leaves are oft constitute divided into iii in addition to sometimes inward 2 parts.
Like other types of Columbine varieties, they grow in full sun or role shade. They require a well-drained, moist, in addition to rich soil.
Out of all the varieties of the Golden Columbine, Yellow Queen is the most famous type. These Columbine flowers are to a greater extent than vivid xanthous than others inward this group. Because of this reason, they are planted inward gardens to brand the gardens await to a greater extent than beautiful. they are a expert alternative for cottage in addition to opened upwardly shade gardens in addition to garden borders.
10. Aquilegia pubescens
Aquilegia pubsecens is commonly known every bit the Sierra columbine. It is native to Sierra Nevada Mountains, hence named subsequently it. The flowers of this type of Columbine are erect, amongst cream-yellow to pinkish colored sepals. The blades are cream-yellow. The spurs are yellow, cream, or pinkish inward color. The stamens are in addition to so long that they extend beyond the blossom blades. The leaves are glabrous in addition to sometimes pilose.
The soil requirements for Sierra columbine are similar to the residuum of its swain inward the group. The soil should live well-drained, moist, in addition to rich. They prefer growing inward regions that receive full sun or are role shaded.
Taking Care of Columbine Flowers
Most of Columbine varieties are low-maintenance but similar all other plants, they wouldn’t perform good without adequate care. Here’s what y'all tin practise to care for your Columbine flowers:
Since the blooming flavor for Columbine flowers starts from spring, the soil should live treated amongst adequate fertilizers (or flora food) in addition to should live re-applied when novel increment appears.
Faded blossoms should live deadheaded to get the minute stage of blooming.
The soil has to live kept moist which agency these plants would demand regular watering. Make certain non to H2O every bit good much to brand the soil soggy.
2 inches of mulch should live spread or in addition to so the base of operations of Columbine plants.
Stakes or rings should live used to back upwardly the varieties of Columbine that grow tall.
Make certain the snails practise non feed on the Columbine flowers.
Columbine flowers are 1 of the prettiest flowers to grow inward the garden. Their bright, vibrant colors brand them stand upwardly out amid other varieties of flowering plants. They don’t demand a lot of maintenance in addition to the best role near these plants is that they self-seed and, therefore, y'all don’t have got to worry near sowing seeds. Depending upon your alternative in addition to preference, y'all tin pick whatsoever diversity from a long listing of Columbine flower types. Each diversity is beautiful inward its ain unique way!
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