26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

Coffee tables receive got been a staple of Western living rooms for decades upon decades now. They receive got evolved from simple tables into some of the most elaborate constructions appearing inward homes today.  Yet, most coffee tables receive got the same set of parts.

The breadth too reach of pick when it comes to purchasing a java tabular array for your work solid tin give the sack live intimidating, thus nosotros are hither to acquaint some of the best, most popular, too enduring options available.

Our featured java tabular array inward a higher identify is a contemporary rustic blueprint with uncut woods pieces supporting a seamless drinking glass top.

We’ll accept a expect at the most of import aspects to consider: construction, tabletop material, too vogue of the java tabular array itself.  You tin give the sack cheque out coffee tables nether $200 here.


The get-go chemical cistron you’ll desire to consider is the construction stuff of your coffee table. The solely options used to live woods or metal, but present the choices expand far beyond that uncomplicated pair. Modern manufacturing allows for glass, metal, too fifty-fifty acrylic tables inward a bewildering diverseness of shapes.

1. Wood

Wood construction is, equally ever with tables of whatever variety, the most mutual construction element. Versatile, warm, timeless, too rich, woods tin give the sack live used inward the vast bulk of shapes, styles, too sizes.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

See to a greater extent than at Wayfair, Amazon, too Houzz

2. Metal

Metal tables are the minute most mutual type you’ll run into piece shopping. These are sturdy, too tin give the sack live lighter weight than traditional woods construction. Metal allows for thinner legs too back upward structure, too tin give the sack live crafted into surprising shapes.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

3. Glass

Glass has gradually risen inward popularity with modern manufacturing allowing for versatile, striking designs never earlier possible. While often connected via metallic joints or back upward structures, some tables are 100% drinking glass constructions.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

4. Rattan

Rattan, or wicker, is often thought of equally patio article of furniture material. However, modern application of the stuff allows for to a greater extent than luxurious, carefully designed furniture that non solely withstands the elements, but looks perfectly at-place within the home.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

5. Acrylic

Acrylic appears similar drinking glass to the naked eye, but allows for the versatility too transparency of drinking glass without the heavy weight too cost. These tables are some of the most modern examples you’ll find, with novel shapes that would compliment whatever modern setting.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

Surface Material

The surface stuff of a java tabular array is the constituent you’ll interact with most on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours basis. This is often the same stuff of which the tabular array is largely constructed, but tin give the sack also deed inward contrast or compliment a distinctly dissimilar frame.

6. Glass

Glass top tables are incredibly pop for a reason: they add together visual space, a luxurious sheen, too are stain too H2O harm proof. Whether metal, wood, or other construction, a drinking glass top adds a sparkle to whatever table.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

7. Wood

Wood top tables characteristic the most rich, sensuous experience of whatever table. Whether treated, natural, painted, or fifty-fifty aged, a woods surface imparts a timeless, warm feeling inward whatever space.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

8. Metal

Metal tabular array tops often accompany industrial styled designs, but tin give the sack also appear amongst an array of build materials too shapes. Resistant to stains or H2O damage, too ever cool to the touch, a metallic top tin give the sack live fashioned for timeless or distinctly modern looks.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

9. Marble

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

10. Rattan

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

11. Leather

Leather topped java tables often instruct inward in the guise of a form of ottoman hybrid. The stuff covers a plush cushioning, making for a soft surface where an possessor tin give the sack prop his or her feet upward when non using the slice equally a table. Often accompanied past times woods imbibe trays for stability, these are a especially unique strain of java table.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

See to a greater extent than at Wayfair, Amazon too Houzz

12. Pallet Coffee Table

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

For a to a greater extent than casual, inexpensive java table, consider a pallet java table. These piece of work good inward household unit of measurement rooms, rec rooms too patios.  You tin give the sack brand it yourself or purchase 1 on sites similar Etsy.  Pallets are thought for java tables because the entire frame is already built for y'all or y'all tin give the sack take the pallet apart too start from scratch.

See to a greater extent than pallet java tables here.


The total mightiness of creative blueprint has been unleashed inward the globe of java tables. This is where nosotros instruct into the genuinely unique, specialized tables that tin give the sack add together a striking focal betoken to whatever living room. We set about with to a greater extent than familiar designs earlier moving into unknown territory.

13. Traditional

Traditional java tables are maybe the most mutual seen to this day. With a vogue reaching dorsum through the finally century, their appeal is demonstrably timeless. Traditional tables volition almost ever live crafted from carved wood, too shaped into a rectangle or oval surface.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

14. Contemporary

Contemporary is a really wide term encompassing a hit of stylistic touchstones. In essence, it way whatever article of furniture that is styled “of the now,” evoking an upward to engagement look, with novel features. The detail instance hither flaunts a transformative design, with a set of wedge shaped ottomans detaching from the master copy java tabular array body.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

15. Modern

Modern is a term usually referring to a specific hit of 20th century blueprint philosophy, from the Art Deco too Bauhaus movements to mid-century style. It often emphasizes simplicity, create clean shapes, too the blending of functional too aesthetic aims.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

16. Rustic

Rustic vogue evokes the countryside inward quondam fashioned times. The stuff is almost ever wood, carved into simpler patterns than with a traditional or modern java table. Some examples receive got brass fittings, evoking a especially bygone feel.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

See to a greater extent than at Wayfair, Amazon too Houzz

17. Coastal

Coastal vogue is meant to evoke an airy, natural beach work solid feel. These pieces often employ light toned wood, natural shapes, too an overall to a greater extent than casual experience than rustic or traditional tables.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

18. Industrial

Industrial vogue evokes the purposeful expect too experience of manufacturing industrial plant life tools, utilizing metallic too woods inward to a greater extent than rough-hewn, sturdy construction. These tin give the sack twain good with loft-style living rooms, or stand upward inward perfect contrast to softer surroundings.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

19. Vintage

This is a vogue purposely evoking specific, often quirky blueprint philosophies from days past. Sometimes employing repurposed materials, from license plates to reclaimed wood, vintage java tables volition receive got a kitschy, classic, unique acquit on that fits good surrounded past times other vintage items.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

20. Novelty

Novelty is some other wildly wide term within the realm of style. These tables tin give the sack accept the shape of anything from a drinking glass pyramid to football game themed pieces. The defining characteristic is that the tabular array has a notable chemical cistron defining it, exterior of the actual stuff too shape itself. For our example, nosotros chose this wheeled-cart vogue table.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

21. Novel

For a terminal category, nosotros wanted to percentage a especially striking tabular array that was basically defied categorization. This vivid slice was manus carved into an organic edible bean shape, too stands at 101″ long. Pieces similar this stand upward far exterior the realm of normal java tables, too stand upward equally examples of the distance that imagination tin give the sack send a uncomplicated slice of article of furniture across.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

See to a greater extent than at Wayfair, Amazon too Houzz

22.  Ottoman Coffee Table

A recent tendency is to utilisation ottomans equally a java table.  In fact, it’s thus pop straight off that ottomans are sold equally java tables or called “ottoman java tables”.  See our 36 brownish leather ottoman java tables for to a greater extent than examples.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

23.  Stacking Coffee Table

Stacking java tables receive got been unopen to for years.  They’re pop because they non solely expect cool, but are highly functional offering 3-in-1 java tables.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

24. Folding Coffee Table

Folding java tables are utilitarian too swell for saving spaces. They’re convenient, flexible, lightweight too portable. When non inward use, y'all tin give the sack shroud them inward the storage room too maximize space. Also, these folding vogue java tables are well-known for their durability.

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

See to a greater extent than at Wayfair

25. Low platform-style java table

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

If you’re a minimalist but notwithstanding desire a identify to spot your drinks downwardly (or whatever else y'all spot on java tables), y'all could become with a depression platform-style java tabular array equally demo above.  That spectacular living room too abode was designed past times ARRCC.

26. Geo-Coffee Table

Featured java tabular array epitome with woods base of operations too drinking glass top 26 Types Of Coffee Tables (Ultimate Buying Guide)

Instead of a traditional shaped java table, become custom similar the inward a higher identify geo-shaped java tabular array past times ARRCC.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some often asked questions virtually java tables.

Are java tables out of style?

This is an involved question.  We did a full write upward setting out our see on whether java tables are inward vogue here.

How tall are java tables?

The meridian of the java tabular array should live virtually the same meridian or exactly a flake lower than the spot of the sofa. This is virtually xviii inches, though some java tables are also used for eating too tin give the sack live equally high equally 2 feet 4 inches. The possessor volition demand to know what their java tabular array is for too if its meridian makes it comfortable for someone sitting on the sofa or chair to spot downwardly too pick upward items such equally a java mug.

What are java tables used for?

As its parent suggests, java tables were originally used for serving coffee, a exercise that began inward earnest dorsum inward the 17th century inward Europe. It tin give the sack straight off live used for serving other beverages, meals, for stacking books too magazines too for displaying bric-a-brac too floral arrangements.

Can a java tabular array live also big?

A java tabular array tin give the sack live also large for the size of the room. It should non accept upward thus much infinite that it forces people to crush unopen to it. Some interior decorators recommend using nesting tables instead of a java tabular array if the livingroom is exceptionally small.

Can a java tabular array live also low?

A java tabular array is considered also depression if a someone seated on the sofa or chair has to strain to achieve something that has been placed on it.

Can java tables live painted?

Coffee tables tin give the sack for sure live painted if they’re made of a stuff that takes pigment well, too most materials accept pigment well. It’s of import that the possessor utilisation the correct pigment when icon a java table. Metal java tables tin give the sack live painted with epoxy enamel or latex piece java tables made of woods tin give the sack live painted with flat, semigloss or high-gloss enamel too latex. An acrylic tabular array tin give the sack live painted with epoxy. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 java tabular array that is made of concrete tin give the sack live given bold novel colors from masonry paint. Even drinking glass tables tin give the sack live painted with H2O or oil-based drinking glass paint.

Can java tables live refinished?

A woods java tabular array tin give the sack live refinished. First, it volition demand to live worked on inward a identify that has adept ventilation. Ideally, that should live outside. Put a driblet fabric over the expanse first.

Sand the complete either with an electrical sander. If the someone has fourth dimension too patience, they tin give the sack hand-sand it with coarse sandpaper. They should utilisation a sanding sponge or fifty-fifty a flake of sandpaper wrapped unopen to a finger to instruct to smaller areas.

After the tabular array is sanded, utilisation the hose attachment of the vacuum cleaner to suck upward equally much dust equally they tin give the sack from the table. To brand sure the dust is gone, spot a few drops of mineral spirits on a cloth, too wipe the tabular array downwardly with it.

After this, the possessor should create total inward whatever dings or gouges inward the woods that the sander didn’t remove. Then, apply a coat of woods stain according to instructions. This tin give the sack live done with a inexpensive foam brush. Remove all excess stain for an fifty-fifty appearance.

Finally, utilisation some other foam brush to add together a coat of clear, protective sealer.

Can java tables live refurbished?

A java table, similar most other pieces of furniture, tin give the sack live refurbished. This is really much similar refinishing the table, except it is done to a vintage piece. The steps are the same except that the possessor needs to get-go create clean the tabular array with rubbing alcohol thus apply a stripping gel. After the stripping gel has sat for virtually a one-half an hour, withdraw it with a pigment scraper. After that, the steps are the same equally refinishing.

Can java tables live recycled? If so, how?

Coffee tables tin give the sack live recycled. The possessor tin give the sack only accept it to their neighborhood recycling identify too driblet it off, or they tin give the sack repurpose it. The top of a wooden java table, for example, tin give the sack live repurposed equally the top of a bath vanity. Holes tin give the sack live drilled too sawn into it to accommodate a sink, fixtures too plumbing pipes.

What materials are java tables made from?

Coffee tables are traditionally made of wood, especially hardwood. Hardwoods come upward from deciduous trees such equally oak, walnut, maple too mahogany. Some antique java tables were beautifully carved too embellished with veneers, marquetry, boullework too pietra dura, which is semiprecious stones too marble inlaid inward the pump of the table. The tabular array tin give the sack also live made of softwoods such equally pino or cedar. Wooden java tables often receive got clear or smoked drinking glass tops. Modern tables tin give the sack live made of molded plastic, acrylic, rock or concrete. Others receive got gratis shape drinking glass tops with bases made of woods or polished metal.

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Source: homestratosphere.com
Tag : Furniture
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