27 Fence Gate Options by Style, Shape, Material and Panel

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the home.

It’s a shame to consummate your fence design as well as hence install gorgeous fence, which tin terms a dandy bargain of money, solely to tarnish that hold back alongside the incorrect gate.

Moreover, debate gates are an of import functional aspect of the fence, offering entry as well as larn out to infinite the debate surrounds.

The fundamental is y'all desire your debate gate to mimic the style of your fence.  If y'all it’s a garden fence, y'all desire a gate to offering a continued mode hence it doesn’t stick out similar a sore thumb.  Same affair whether a wood, vinyl, iron, chain link, lattice, picket or bamboo fence.  Obvious the color should tally every bit good unless you’re seeking to create an accent to your debate alongside a dissimilar colored gate.

At the halt of the day, the type of gate is determined past times material, number of panels as well as style.  All of which nosotros laid out below.

A. Gate Materials

1. Wood

Wood is ane of the to a greater extent than traditional options for y'all to take away hold for your property. Wood is designed to create a classic look. It offers a warm as well as welcoming feeling to whatever spot.

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

Source: pinimg.com

It tin hold out prepared alongside ane of many dissimilar types of stains. It tin also hold out cutting inwards an assortment of dandy styles every bit it tin hold out made alongside some pillar styles amidst other points. You tin fifty-fifty larn the woods cutting at the transcend to create some attractive looks.


  • A dandy gate volition add together a sense of privacy to a spot. This comes every bit woods is typically a piffling thicker than most other materials.

  • This tin in conclusion for the entire life of your belongings provided that y'all maintain it well.

  • In add-on to beingness stained, y'all tin e'er pigment a gate.

  • Most types of opening fixtures as well as knobs that y'all attach onto your gate volition blend inwards perfectly alongside a woods body.


  • The woods surface has to hold out sealed regularly hence it volition non apparel out as well as railroad train rot.

  • This tin hold out rather heavy depending on how large your debate is.

2. Aluminum

Aluminum is a pop selection for how it offers a sturdy look. It has a prissy polish as well as tin hold out painted inwards ane of many styles. It is also low-cal inwards weight as well as tin come upward from recycled materials.


  • This is real slow to maintain every bit it volition non accept inwards H2O or rust.

  • It tin hold out thick or thin; y'all take away hold the alternative to take away whatever sort of torso here.

  • Door knob as well as opening fixtures tin hold out integrated into the aluminum body.


  • This is non appropriate for utilisation inwards spots where the conditions mightiness hold out intense. It could dent if there’s lots of pelting or hail.

  • Aluminum tin scratch rather quickly.

3. PVC

PVC is traditionally used to create a wood-like body. The polyvinyl chloride torso tin come upward inwards either a enterprise shape or inwards a serial of sleeves that tin hold out added over existing woods surfaces. It creates a enterprise nonporous design. Stakes tin also hold out attached to a spot through an adhesive material.


  • PVC is a pop selection for how it resists many conditions conditions without experiencing whatever rust.

  • You tin fellowship PVC inwards ane of many dissimilar colors.

  • The pattern tin mix inwards good alongside whatever door opening features.


  • PVC tin scratch as well as dent quickly.

4. Wrought Iron

Wrought Fe is known for beingness a piffling heavier as well as denser than most other metals. But it’s also a selection that adds a sense of elegance as well as refinement to whatever belongings y'all add together it on to. Wrought Fe features an intense dark color inwards most cases although y'all could add together pigment to it if y'all want.

The most of import component division of wrought Fe is that it is real sturdy. It volition non apparel out or curvature easily.


  • This tin hold out accentuated alongside a diverseness of artistic designs. You tin fellowship wrought Fe gates that take away hold special patterns etched on transcend or y'all tin fellowship extra posts that choke on transcend of the gate.

  • It is hard for anyone to attempt as well as cutting through wrought iron. This comes from how thick it is.


  • Although y'all tin pigment your wrought iron, the pigment tin bit off over time.

  • You must sand your wrought Fe every pair of years.

5. Vinyl

Vinyl has been used every bit a pop selection for how it replaces woods alongside a novel chemical compound that resists all sorts of issues. It volition non collect lots of H2O nor volition it scuff easily.

This is made alongside chlorine as well as ethylene mixed together. It tin hold out prepared inwards a mold as well as used inwards whatever sort of shape y'all desire it to hold out in.


  • This tin hold out prepared inwards whatever sort of shape alongside natural grooves added to create a skillful wood-like design.

  • This volition non weaken due to intense rainfall. Water volition slide off of the vinyl.


  • This could fade due to the sun’s rays. You should add together a sealant over a vinyl debate gate to ensure it stays comfortable.

  • Avoid keeping ane of these debate gates close spots that kids or pets mightiness regularly hold out establish in. While the chemicals that are naturally emitted past times a vinyl torso volition blow away quite good patch outdoors, they tin even hence hold out harmful if person is likewise unopen to it for far likewise much time.

6. Chain Link

A chain link debate has a basic hold back to it. This is exactly made alongside a strong metallic similar iron. The private bars of metallic are woven together to create a strong opened upward pattern.

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

Source: i.ytimg.com

This is typically used inwards commercial properties although it tin also hold out used inwards your home. You tin larn it inwards whatever sort of organization that y'all desire it to hold out in.


  • The strong torso of the metallic used on your chain link debate agency that it volition non apparel out fast.

  • This is a real powerful selection that exudes a sense of power.

  • You tin larn all kinds of decorative features on the transcend of your debate gate. You tin fifty-fifty take away hold a few brusk points on the transcend to arrive harder for people to attempt as well as larn over the fence.


  • Your chain link debate must hold out tall plenty to where it would hold out hard for anyone to attempt as well as safely climb over the fence.

  • The debate must hold out coated as well as washed carefully if y'all desire it to remain looking new.

7. Bamboo

Bamboo has larn a dear woods stuff for debate gates inwards recent years. This is cheers primarily to how bamboo is a fast-growing woods that is environmentally friendly. But what’s to a greater extent than is that bamboo has a dense torso that won’t apparel out quickly.

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

Source: pinimg.com

Bamboo is also made alongside a thick torso that contains fewer pores. This agency that it volition non accept inwards every bit much H2O every bit other typical woods surfaces might.


  • Your gate tin characteristic either enterprise bamboo woods planks or cylindrical bamboo panels exactly similar what is establish inwards the wild. Bamboo is real slow to shape inwards a number of forms.

  • Bamboo offers a beautiful natural musical note although y'all tin also larn a dandy stain added onto it if y'all prefer.

  • This tin hold out prepared alongside a darker base of operations alongside lighter woods inwards the middle part.


  • Although this is a thick as well as sturdy option, it tin bit or dent if y'all are non careful.

  • Scratches tin speedily railroad train around the bamboo wood.

  • You tin e'er take away alive bamboo but y'all would take away hold to cut down it regularly. Live bamboo tin grow past times nigh a human foot inwards a typical year.

  • This is non ideal for utilisation inwards colder areas.

8. Farm-Style

Have y'all ever noticed when you’re driving past times a farm that there’s a nice debate design that uses a serial of thick horizontal woods posts? You tin larn such a mode ready for utilisation inwards your debate gate.

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

Source: pinimg.com

A farm-style debate uses a serial of broad woods materials. These are supported past times tall beams of woods on the sites. It creates a dry soil feeling on your property.

You could e'er utilisation steel, vinyl or PVC materials likewise hence long every bit they are organized alongside shapes similar to what a traditional woods farm-style debate uses. Check carefully on how good it mightiness hold out designed.


  • A farm-style organization offers a comfortable hold back all the way through.

  • This tin hold out stained inwards ane of many colors. You tin utilisation a darker stain to create a to a greater extent than authentic farm hold back to your gate.

  • You tin utilisation this for a double-door pattern although it tin also hold out used alongside exactly ane door too.


  • This mightiness piece of employment a piffling ameliorate if your debate gate is a piffling wider. The intensity as well as mode of the gate won’t hold out the same if it is likewise narrow.

9. Composite

What’s dandy nigh composite is y'all tin larn it to mimic hence many materials as well as the potential for colors, style, etc. is enormous.

Check out this composite gate that’s made to hold back similar stone.  Composite makes this possible because a existent rock gate would weight a lot… requiring some serious posts as well as hinges.

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

Source: Home Depot

B. Number of Gate Panels

You should hold back at the pattern that y'all volition take away hold for your debate gate. This refers to how good the gate tin hold out opened as well as closed. While y'all volition take away hold to larn a lineament serial of fixtures to help y'all opened upward as well as unopen the door, y'all must hold back at how the door volition movement inwards general.

There are 2 detail patterns that y'all tin take away from inwards this case. While they are non likewise unique or elaborate, they tin even hence hold out designed inwards a diverseness of ways.

1. Single-Door

A single-door gate pattern uses ane uncomplicated door. It is designed similar whatever other door inwards your dwelling household as well as tin come upward alongside a few decorative accents on the transcend component division of its body.

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

Source: pinimg.com


  • The take away hold as well as lock characteristic should hold out real slow to take away hold on such a door. They volition hold out placed on the same component division of the door.

  • This volition opened upward inwards the same way every bit whatever other door.

  • You tin utilisation this for when y'all take away hold a narrow spot to piece of employment with.


  • The edges on the contrary component division of the gate should hold out affixed properly hence the door volition non apparel out.

  • You must larn the door lubricated regularly hence it volition non weaken.

2. Double-Door

A double-door gate plant alongside a torso where in that location are 2 separate doors instead of exactly one. They volition movement outward or inward inwards contrary directions.

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

These are typically secured together alongside a lock as well as take away hold scheme inwards the middle. H5N1 take away hold volition hold out establish on ane door patch the lock goes on the other. The lock should hold out accessed on exactly ane side of the door setup.


  • This plant best for wider openings.

  • This gate tin come upward alongside some woods or metallic reinforcements on each door. Such reinforcements would hold out placed on the middle component division of a door.

  • This plant good for a wider debate gate.


  • You take away hold to scout for how the doors are positioned alongside each other hence they volition non hold out at peril of bumping into ane another.

  • Depending on how the locking machinery is designed, in that location is a peril that the machinery on ane door could bump into the other door if it is non aligned right.

C. Gate Styles

Gate styles mimic the dissimilar styles of fences, which makes sense given the gate is actually exactly some other debate panel alongside hinges as well as a latch.

Here are the original styles (click images to enlarge):


Sources for inwards a higher identify debate gates: Home Depot

D. The Gate Top Shapes

By shape, I hateful whether the transcend is arched, apartment or inverted arch (i.e. scallop).  Check it out:

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

Arched Gate Top

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

Straight/Flat Gate Top

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

Scallop Gate Top

Sources for inwards a higher identify debate gates: Home Depot

E. Gate Top Patterns

The in conclusion consideration is the pattern of your gate top.  Again, the transcend should hold out similar or identical to your debate transcend pattern.

Common options include

Click images to enlarge:

Sources for inwards a higher identify debate gates: Home Depot

F. Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to mutual questions nigh debate gates.

How Wide are Fence Gates?

Fence gates are used for a broad diverseness of reasons, as well as the widths tin vary greatly depending on what they are beingness used for as well as where they are installed.

Smaller gates similar the ones that y'all would utilisation for a debate around your yard could hold out every bit pocket-sized every bit 3-feet wide, which is normally plenty infinite to fit a walk-behind lawnmower. You’d desire a larger gate, peradventure 4 or 5 feet wide, for riding mowers as well as other larger lawn equipment.

Most driveways are nigh 10-feet wide, as well as you’d belike desire a gate that’s a pair of feet wider to minimize the take away chances of whatever accidents. Driveway gates tin either swing opened upward or slide. Sliding gates are normally mechanically operated. But, y'all tin also take away hold remote-controlled, swinging driveway gates alongside wheels every bit well.

You tin also take away hold gates custom-sized if y'all are looking for larger openings for specific purposes. It’s of import to maintain inwards hear that smaller gates are to a greater extent than cost-effective as well as easier to maintain. So it’s non e'er inwards your best interests to take away hold an over-sized debate gate if y'all don’t actually involve that much clearance.

What are the Standard Fence Gate Sizes/dimensions?

The pocket-sized debate gates that y'all would utilisation around your yard would come upward inwards touchstone sizes of three, four, 5 or half dozen feet wide.

The most commonly establish sliding or swinging driveway gates volition hold out constructed inwards 10-foot or 12-foot sections, although y'all may run across some every bit large every bit 14, 16, as well as 18-feet wide.

Do Fence Gates Count every bit Doors?

A uncomplicated Definition of a door would hold out a construction that is able to opened upward as well as close, providing either privacy or protection. And debate gates would qualify every bit doors.

Having a gate should hand y'all the same peace of hear concerning security as well as privacy that a door would hand you. And if a gate is closed, a stranger should non hold out allowed to opened upward it without your permission.

Do Fence Gates Open In or Out?

While most gates volition opened upward in, they tin opened upward either way or fifty-fifty both ways. It actually exactly depends on the layout of your belongings as well as where it would hold out the most convenient to open.

Just hold back at the expanse where y'all are planning to pose a debate gate as well as determine which alternative would hold out best suited for the infinite that y'all have. The in conclusion affair that y'all desire to practise is install a gate, solely to honor that it is inwards the way when it’s fully opened.

Can Fence Panels Be Used every bit Fence Gates?

They tin be. But it’s actually non a skillful idea. Fencing as well as gates tin hold out a major investment as well as should in conclusion for many years, depending on the type of stuff that is used.

Fence gates are specially designed for their purpose as well as volition in conclusion the longest, peculiarly if they are professionally installed as well as maintained.

Why Do Fence Gates Sag?

They sag for 2 reasons. Either the materials that they are made of is firstly to decay or they weren’t installed correctly inwards the firstly place.

Fences gates tin hold out constructed of wood, vinyl, aluminum, as well as a diverseness of other materials. And each volition take away hold its ain lifespan every bit good every bit dissimilar ways to maintain them.

But the installation is actually the fundamental to keeping them from sagging. Special sleeves involve to hold out cemented into the ground, both to connect to the gate as well as the surrounding debate for support. If the sleeves fail, the gate volition sag.

Can Vinyl Fence Gates Be Painted?

While it’s non normally necessary to pigment a vinyl debate gate, it is real possible. If y'all take away hold a vinyl gate that has been neglected, or y'all exactly desire to alter the color, prototype it is a fairly uncomplicated project.

Make certain it’s create clean as well as dry, as well as apply a skillful primer. You mightiness involve a pair of coats of an epoxy-based pigment for skillful coverage. Then, complete it off alongside a lineament sealer for protection.

G. DIY Fence Gate

You tin also design as well as build your ain gate.  Here’s a video:

H. Integrating the Gate

While typically it’s a skillful take in to larn a debate that mimics your fence, sometimes it tin hold out to a greater extent than aesthetically pleasing to practise something dissimilar hence the gate stands out.

Check out the next representative where the debate is a apartment lattice transcend but the gate is arched.  However, also notice that the apartment shape is inwards a way extended alongside the gate due to the overhead mini-pergola

Any belongings possessor knows that a high lineament debate as well as gate tin alter the hold back of the  27 Fence Gate Options past times Style, Shape, Material as well as Panel

I. Where tin y'all purchase debate gates?

You’ll belike purchase your debate gate at the same fourth dimension as well as identify y'all purchase your fence.  Here are some decent options:


As y'all larn a debate gate ready, y'all take away hold to hold back at what you’re going to add. You must hold back carefully at the detail type of stuff y'all desire to utilisation hence y'all volition take away hold a dandy torso added to whatever spot.

Remember that your debate gate volition hold back its best if y'all are cautious as well as careful when making it stand upward out. Check on the stuff y'all volition use, every bit good every bit whether y'all desire to stick alongside a unmarried or double-door arrangement. The mode that y'all volition piece of employment alongside tin actually brand a footing of divergence provided that y'all are careful as well as that y'all take away hold a skillful alternative to piece of employment with.

Source: homestratosphere.com
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