13 Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Various surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Homeowners present similar to integrate aesthetics into everything at home, including the flooring. When searching for a suitable type of flooring, tiles offering lasting beauty, functionality, together with durability together with remove hold massive advantages over other flooring alternatives.

Once installed, they are slow to clean, remove hold a longer lifespan than other flooring types, together with exercise non require additional professional person maintenance. As a result, flooring tiles are no longer confined to ‘wet areas’ such equally bathrooms. People are integrating these finishes into most other rooms of their homes.

However, when yous await to buy tiles specifically for floors, brand certain yous don’t terminate upwards getting tiles that belong on walls.

You should live aware of some major characteristics that distinguish flooring tiles from wall tiles. As opposed to the extremely slick wall tiles, flooring tiles should remove hold a COF rating of 0.5 or greater to keep a suitable degree of friction to walk on. Similarly, flooring tiles typically possess a H2O absorption capacity of 3%, much lower than that for wall tile, which tin flame become equally high equally 10%.

As nosotros dig deeper into flooring tiles, nosotros regain that at that topographic point are many dissimilar types manufactured from diverse materials such equally clay, metal, quartz, stone, together with terrazzo. Each of these types has characteristics meant to serve the nature of use, style, the size, together with available infinite for tiling. Here is a listing of the most pop types of tiles for flooring:

Ceramic TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Ceramic tiles are amid the most sought afterwards tiles that are manufactured from clay materials. They are quarried, prepared, together with and so molded for use. You’ll live impressed yesteryear their might to complement almost every interior décor yous admire. The most pregnant features of ceramic tiles include their long lifespan, their versatility of use, together with their high resistance to scratches together with abrasion.

Their durability allows them to withstand years of constant pes traffic. In addition, they offering a broad make of blueprint possibilities. Usually covered inwards a durable glaze, ceramic tiles come upwards alongside incomparable patterns together with colors.

However, ceramic tiles shouldn’t live installed outdoors because they can’t manage good alongside the heat, nor exercise they adjust good to the mutual depression temperature temperatures that wintertime brings. Moreover, they remove hold a vogue to absorb water.

The next are some varieties of ceramic tiles:

Porcelain TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Because of the subtle divergence betwixt porcelain tiles together with ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles are ofttimes classified equally a type of ceramic tile. Porcelain tiles are manufactured from denser clay together with treated at much higher temperatures than non-porcelain ceramic tiles. The resultant textile is, therefore, much to a greater extent than sturdy together with resistant to damage. In contrast to touchstone ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles tin flame live used outdoors because of their negligible porosity together with amend resistance to frost together with extreme temperatures.

Available inwards both polished together with unpolished versions, porcelain tiles are suitable for diverse domestic applications equally good equally some commercial ones alongside lite pes traffic. They are also available inwards glazed forms, but they are less robust inwards this form.

Quarry TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

While quarry tiles are ofttimes thought to originate from quarries, few are aware of the fact that they are manufactured from materials such equally clay, shale, together with feldspar that are basis together together with molded into tiles. These minerals consequence inwards a harder flooring tile alongside depression porosity that tin flame live used both indoors together with outdoors.

Mosaic TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Mosaic tiles are highly pop for pocket-size room applications such equally kitchens together with bathrooms. Basically, these are tiles alongside smaller surface areas. Each tile measures less than 2 inches inwards both length together with width. As a result, they are easier to install inwards smaller rooms. However, what leads to a spectacular complete is using the correct tools for cutting. One of the best cutting tools is a RUBI tile cutter that offers incredible precision inwards cutting.

Source: Rubi

Marble TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

If your priority is adding aesthetic value together with elegance to your home, marble tiles are an ideal choice. They’re manufactured from the highly durable natural marble stone. Because of the variability of the constituent materials extracted, marble tiles are available inwards almost every color. You also remove hold a number of finishing options for marble tiles, such equally polished, brushed, honed, tumbled, etc., making them ideal for whatsoever room application.

However, marble tiles are prone to stains together with spillages because of their porous nature. Therefore, they are hardly used outdoors. But using an appropriate surface sealer earlier installation tin flame lower its porosity. The sealer acts equally an invisible protective layer on the tile surface, clogging the pores.

In addition, marble tiles are an expensive option, so yous remove to remove hold into trouble organization human relationship the costs associated alongside using them for flooring.

Granite TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

If you’re looking to install tiles inwards an surface area alongside heavy pes traffic, granite tiles are the best option. They’re made from the dense together with difficult igneous rock, granite. The speckled minerals together with unique veining of this stone non only distinguish it from other materials, but the combination of the 2 also way that no 2 granite surfaces are the same. As a result, granite tiles remove hold a wonderful reputation inwards the flooring industry. Coming inwards a vast make of colors together with offering high aesthetic value, luxurious establishments remove hold a high need for them.

The natural together with durable textile used helps make a scratch-resistant surface. Apart from beingness resistant to acids, granite tiles come upwards inwards lite together with pocket-size forms, making them slow to piece of employment with.

Yet, granite tiles are highly porous together with prone to stains similar marble tiles. But i time polished, they perform good when it comes to resisting scratches.

Source: Active rain

Travertine TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Travertine tiles are manufactured from travertine, a type of limestone that is a byproduct of hot springs, natural artesian springs, together with caves but about the globe. The textile is available inwards varying colors together with comprises of pits together with a crude oil texture produced yesteryear air bubbles together with organic matter. The fashionable surface of travertine tiles enlightens your interior infinite together with brings a natural await to it.

The longevity of the travertine textile tin flame live judged from the fact that the ancient Roman structures yous encounter inwards Italy today were constructed using this material. Hence, travertine is ideal for edifice temples, sculptures, together with theaters. Contemporarily, it is considered perfect inwards the construction of walkways, bathrooms, puddle decks, together with other applications where H2O exposure is high. As an environmentally-friendly material, travertine is 100% biodegradable. It’s durable equally good equally easy-to-repair.

Even though it’s a cheaper choice equally compared to other high-end materials, travertine tin flame withal live expensive, together with many people can’t afford to install tiles made from this material.

Slate TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Slate, acquired from natural mineral deposits, is amid the most pop materials used inwards the flooring industry. It helps make exceptionally durable tiles together with induces natural beauty to give that gorgeous await to your floor. The textile has the potential to give-up the ghost on the room warm, together with its high skid resistance ensures a prophylactic flooring option.

Although slate tiles are a cheaper flooring solution compared to marble together with granite tiles, they’re withal considered high-end, requiring yous to pay to a greater extent than than yous would for ceramic tiles.

Source: Tile restoration

Sandstone TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Sandstone tiles are designed to give a rich, natural experience to your outdoor areas. Among the most mutual applications include puddle surroundings, patios, together with walkways. Available inwards diverse colors, styles, together with sizes, sandstone tiles render a fantastic earthy appeal to wherever they’re used.

Terrazzo TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Terrazzo tiles are composed of multiple other textile types that mainly include marble, granite, quartz, together with glass. The grooming procedure involves curing, grounding, together with polishing. The resultant surface is long-lasting, smooth, shiny, together with attractive, making it ideal for world buildings. However, it isn’t the best type of tile textile for installation inwards homes because of its slippery nature.

Onyx TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Manufactured from a translucent, calciferous stone called onyx, onyx tiles appear really similar to marble tiles. The unique translucent appearance resulting from the onyx stone’s rich mineral density makes it perfect for utilisation inwards your living room. However, given the delicate nature of the stone, it lacks the forcefulness required from a tile. Therefore, onyx tiles are produced using resin, mesh, or fiberglass backing to heighten their strength.

Onyx tiles come upwards inwards diverse surface forms that possess unique characteristics which determine their use. They’re available inwards dissimilar colors together with are ofttimes used indoors together with for lite traffic flooring applications. However, it is of import to blend the colors to acquaint a pleasing color variation. Also, a dry out layout ought to live performed earlier the actual installation to ensure the best outlook.

The grooming together with installation of onyx tiles need specialized skills of a professional. Hence, yous should live prepared to pay to a greater extent than for the installation of these tiles.

Source: Gemmil homes

Wooden TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Based on the latest preferences together with reviews, the wooden tiling way is becoming trendy together with popular. What’s unique almost wooden tiles is their might to expand together with contract alongside the dissimilar levels of humidity inwards your home. Let’s watch the options available inside this category:

Hardwood TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Hardwood flooring tiles are widely known for increasing the value of homes. As shortly equally homeowners install hardwood on their floors, the value of the belongings increases owing to the non-depreciating value of wooden floors. Unlike other surfaces, hardwood floors exercise non require replacements every few years, together with they are slow to keep together with aid for afterwards installation.

While many other types of floors easily exhibit whatsoever stains or dirt, hardwood tiles don’t. Even though it may exhibit a fight of wear, hardwood floors are certain to terminal a lifetime.

Hardwood tiles are peculiarly desirable amid first-time homeowners. Installing hardwood floors inwards your novel dwelling adds your ain sense of savor together with personality to your living infinite without requiring whatsoever extra attempt on your part. People highly prefer homes alongside hardwood flooring. Hence, fifty-fifty if you’re looking to sell your home, hardwood flooring is a nifty idea.

No i likes spending much on cleaning. Expenditures similar rug cleaning, stain removing, together with steaming tin flame all live curbed yesteryear installing hardwood floors. You don’t remove a sophisticated vacuum cleaner for cleaning hardwood floors; a forest lather together with a mop are to a greater extent than than plenty to keep a shining wooden floor.

Hence, yesteryear using hardwood flooring, yous tin flame non only improve the charm together with beauty of your dwelling but also ensure a high belongings value for both sale together with rental purposes.

Source: Paine flooring covering

Faux Wood TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Combining the natural beauty of forest alongside the durability of tiles, the mistaken forest tiling way is the hottest vogue inwards the flooring industry. More durable together with water-resistant than hardwood, mistaken forest offers unlimited designs, is gratis of termite risks together with need piddling maintenance. Although the tiles await similar they’re made of wood, they’re genuinely made of ceramic material.

Faux forest tiles are speedily substituting hardwood for a number of reasons. While hardwood flooring tin flame easily larn scratched from pes traffic together with slice of furniture movements, mistaken forest offers outstanding resistance to scratches. This makes them ideal for high pes traffic applications that tin flame terminal for decades or fifty-fifty a lifetime.

People ofttimes contend to regain the correct flooring textile for utilisation inwards moisture-prone areas such equally bathrooms together with kitchens. Unlike hardwood together with many other flooring options, mistaken forest tiles exercise non absorb water. Hence, they portion incredibly inwards wet application areas.

Even though it’s slow to create clean hardwood floors, they need regular refinishing, re-staining, together with resealing. One the other hand, because mistaken forest tiles are genuinely made of ceramic material, only nestling maintenance using basic tile cleaners is required.

Moreover, inwards contrast alongside hardwood, mistaken forest is non susceptible to a termite attack. Hardwood floors infested alongside termites cannot live fixed. The only solution is to supercede the entire flooring alongside a novel i which tin flame empty your wallet inwards no time. Hence, to avoid whatsoever such issues, mistaken forest tiles should live considered for flooring inwards areas alongside a history of termites.

Besides this, mistaken forest tiles offering countless dissimilar designs featuring dissimilar colors together with textures. Plus, yous tin flame instantly larn customized forest flooring finishes of your pick which are non easily available inwards the market. This has been made possible alongside the regain of the recent inkjet technology. For instance, because of high demand, the perfect slice of reclaimed forest is extremely expensive together with non slow to regain inwards the market. Faux forest tin flame offering the texture of reclaimed forest cheaply together with without much effort.

Finally, you’ll salve a lot of coin alongside mistaken forest tiles. Even though they offering so many benefits over hardwood flooring, mistaken forest tiles are much cheaper than hardwood flooring. Omaha magazine states that a unmarried foursquare pes of mistaken forest tile is much cheaper than what you’ll pay for hardwood. In addition, lesser maintenance costs for mistaken forest tiles lower the associated costs fifty-fifty further.

Source: Improvenet

Quartzite TilesVarious surfaces made from dissimilar flooring tiles thirteen Different Types of Tiles for Flooring

Quartzite is a metamorphic stone that ensures a natural yet beautiful await for flooring applications. The stone is produced when sandstone rich inwards quartz is treated at high temperatures together with pressures. Its high durability, attractiveness together with high skid resistance makes it a pop choice for flooring tile applications at homes, peculiarly inwards the kitchen. You don’t remove hold to worry almost bacteria penetration equally the non-porous nature of this textile helps to give-up the ghost on liquids out.

If you’re looking to convey that luxurious await to your homes but don’t wishing to pass much, quartzite tiles are perfect equally the stone is relatively cheaper than the other stone types.

Even if you’re looking for a high-quality flooring solution for outdoor applications such equally puddle surroundings together with driveways, quartzite tiles are a nifty choice.  To attain a darker, marble-like finish, quartzite tin flame live crystallized together with sealed alongside a darker shade.


To amount it up, yous remove hold plenty of flooring options to select from when it comes to flooring tiles. These were the most unremarkably used types of flooring tiles, together with at that topographic point are many other less known types out there. There’s no best or worst choice. Which type of flooring tile yous desire exclusively depends on your sense of savor together with preferences equally good equally what functionalities your planned application demands.

Once yous determine on the flooring material, you’ll remove to enlist the services of a professional person tiler, who volition accuse yous depending upon the type of textile together with the complexity of installation associated alongside it.

Source: homestratosphere.com
Tag : Flooring
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