Koi fish are to a greater extent than commonly known equally Nishikigoi or jinli, which literally way ‘brocaded carp.’ They are colored varieties of the fish species Cyprinus rubrofuscus. Koi fish are colorful fish which are commonly seen inwards outdoor water gardens and koi ponds.
Numerous varieties of koi fish have been identified yesteryear the Japanese. These varieties are distinguished on the solid soil of coloration, scales, as well as patterns. Koi fish are majorly flora inwards white, red, black, blue, yellow, as well as cream colors.
It is believed that koi fish originated inwards China as well as were after used yesteryear the Japanese as a nutrient source. It was inwards the mid-1800s that the Japanese started breeding these fish for their aesthetic appeal.
Koi fish are incredibly smart. They tin hold upward trained to swallow from out of your oral fissure as well as hand. They are omnivores that feed on pond plants. Koi fish also alive for a rattling long time. Their average lifespan is most l years, as well as they tin grow to hold upward 36 inches long.
More than 100 types of koi fish have been recognized till date. This species is ane that you’ll encounter inwards a lot of aquariums, as well as for adept reason. Their colors as well as patterns give life to whatever aquarium or pond that they are in. If yous honey these vibrantly colored fish, yous may likewise desire to know most the diverse types of koi fish out there. If so, as well as thus read ahead!
Out of to a greater extent than than 100 types of koi fish, at that topographic point are alone a few that are quite popular. Each type has a dissimilar blueprint as well as color that distinguishes it from other types of koi fish. The most common types of koi fish have been listed downwards for you.
1. Kohaku
Kohaku is considered the Rex of all koi fish. This is the first variety of koi fish that developed amongst 2 colors. Its uncomplicated beauty as well as violet await arrive an automatic favorite for whatever aquarium or koi pond.
The Kohaku koi fish has a torso that is a stunning white color (shiroji), amongst carmine blotches adding a fleck of color to its otherwise uniform look. Most Kohaku fish conduct hold a yellowish nose. The carmine markings, that are traditionally called hi, are of 2 types. The start type is carmine that has a violet tint to it. These markings appear quite thick, but equally the fish ages, the markings fade, resulting inwards the absence of crisp margins. This color is quite tardily to maintain, thus Kohaku fish amongst this type of mark is commonly the best selection for inexperienced koi fish owners.
The minute type of mark is to a greater extent than pop than the start one. It is orange-red inwards color but is a lot to a greater extent than hard to maintain. These markings conduct hold a crisp margin that is quite visible betwixt the white as well as red. Kohaku fish amongst orange-red markings are a preferred selection of people who are experienced with taking aid of koi fish.
Pattern of Markings
The markings on the torso of Kohaku fish brand them stand upward out. Most Kohaku has a red-colored grade on their caput that is commonly separate from the markings on the ease of their body. However, sometimes, the markings on the torso may extend to the head. These Kohaku are known equally the bongiri. Kohaku amongst no markings on their heads is known equally the boze.
No affair what color or blueprint a Kohaku comes in, this type of koi is a stunning add-on to whatever aquarium or a pond.
2. Taisho Sanke
Taisho Sanke is likewise known equally the Taisho Sanshoku or simply Sanke. Sanshoku way iii colors. This scream corresponds to the presence of iii colors on the torso of this type of koi – white, red, as well as black. It is quite similar to the Kohaku koi. Just similar Kohaku, it has a white torso (shiroji) amongst red-colored markings (hi). The alone divergence is the presence of black markings (Sumi markings) on its body. Taisho Sanke is amidst the ‘Big Three’ inwards the solid soil of koi fish.
Pattern of Markings
The caput of a Sanke commonly comprises of 2 colors, which are white as well as red, as well as is devoid of whatever Sumi markings. Another divergence betwixt Sanke as well as Kohaku is that the carmine markings get from the plough over of the head, thus the human face upward is by as well as large clear. The pectoral fins are white at the base of operations amongst a few Sumi markings.
3. Showa
Showa is likewise known as Showa Sanshoku or Showa Sanke. As mentioned earlier, sanshoku way iii colors. Showa gets its scream due to the presence of white, red, as well as dark colors on its body.
Showa is quite similar to Sanke. However, the primary divergence that sets the two types of koi fish apart is the Karasu (black-colored body) of the Showa. Showa has white as well as red-colored markings over a mostly black-colored torso or base.
Pattern of Markings
Unlike Sanke, Showa koi fish have a black pattern that runs throughout their bodies. Sanke koi fish, on the other hand, only conduct hold a black pattern on the upper one-half of their bodies. Moreover, Showa have black patterns on their heads, which is non the representative with Sanke.
The white, red, as well as black-colored markings are distributed evenly throughout the body, amongst crisp as well as build clean margins betwixt each color.
4. Tancho
The Tancho koi fish is named after the national aeroplane of Japan, the Tancho Crane, which has a prominent carmine spot on its head. Tancho is uncomplicated as well as sleek as well as is known for the trademark pigmentation (a carmine spot) on its head.
The Red Spot
Tancho Kohaku is the most picturesque Tancho. It is snow-white inwards color as well as has a crimson red-colored spot on its head. This spot is traditionally circular inwards shape, but it tin hold upward flora inwards other symmetrical shapes equally well. To autumn nether the Tancho umbrella, the spot on the caput should hold upward symmetrical, whether it is circular, oval, heart-shaped, or diamond-shaped. The spot should hold upward a dominating size as well as should non hold upward speckled. The defining characteristic of a Tancho koi fish is a single, clear, prominent, red-colored spot.
Other commonly found Tancho varieties include Tancho Showa and Tancho Sanke.
5. Utsuri
Utsuri is non precisely a unmarried type of koi fish. It is the scream of a category, Utsurimono, that includes iii types of Utsuri koi fish; Shiro Utsuri, Ki Utsuri, as well as Hi Utsuri. Utsurimono means reflection. The koi fish that autumn nether inwards the Utsuri category conduct hold a black-colored torso (Karasu) amongst carmine (hi), white (shiroji), or yellowish (ki) markings.
The category has been named Utsurimono to betoken the overlaying red, white, or yellowish patterns that advise the reflection of the color on the torso of koi fish.
Pattern of Markings
The sumi blueprint on the caput of an Utsuri koi fish is similar to that of Showa, that is, a Sumi grade that divides the face. The Sumi blueprint that is introduce on the torso is likewise similar to that of Showa. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 large, prominent, reflective Sumi blueprint is introduce on the entire body.
The Sumi is wrapped around the torso precisely below the lateral trouble inwards the Utsuri koi fish. These markings extend to the tail from the olfactory organ as well as are balanced throughout the length of the torso equally good equally on both sides of the dorsal line.
6. Bekko
The literal important of Bekko is ‘tortoise shell.’ Bekko as well as Utsuri are oftentimes confused. However, the major characteristic that helps inwards distinguishing the 2 is that Utsuri has a dark base of operations amongst white, red, or yellow-colored markings whereas Bekko has a white, red, or yellow-colored base of operations amongst Sumi (black-colored) markings. The caput of a Bekko volition e'er hold upward clear of whatever Sumi markings.
The known variants of Bekko include Shiro Bekko (white body), Aka Bekko (Red body), as well as Ki Bekko (yellow body). The most mutual of all these variants is the Shiro Bekko.
Pattern of Markings
The characteristic characteristic of a Bekko koi fish is that it volition conduct hold no markings (black-colored Sumi markings) on the head. Sumi markings volition hold upward spread throughout the white, yellow, or red-colored body.
7. Asagi
Asagi koi fish are strikingly beautiful creatures. They conduct hold a blue-colored, net-like blueprint on the plough over of their bodies amongst red-orange coloration on the belly, fins, gill plates, as well as the body. As the Asagi koi fish ages, the red coloration (hi) spreads upwards from the bottom.
Pattern of Markings
The Asagi koi fish whose bodies are to a greater extent than carmine than usual is known equally the Hi Asagi. Another type of Asagi koi that is quite pop is the Taki Asagi. It has the typical blue-colored internet blueprint as well as carmine coloration along amongst an additional white-colored trouble of scales that runs betwixt the carmine as well as bluish pigmented areas of the fish’s body. The caput of an Asagi is commonly clear, without whatever markings. The color of the caput is commonly white or pale blue.
8. Shusui
Shusui is a version of Asagi koi, but the divergence is that Shusui is the Doitsu or scale-less version of Asagi. Due to the absence of scales on the plough over of the body, at that topographic point is no blue-colored net-like pattern. The scales that are introduce shape a unmarried row along the dorsal trouble of the body.
Pattern of Markings
The color of a Shusui’s head is pale bluish or white as well as does non conduct hold whatever markings or spots. The presence of red-colored, extended cheeks is a mutual occurrence in Shusui koi fish. There are no specifications regarding the markings on the torso except for the presence of a unmarried row of scales running neatly as well as uniformly along the length of the back.
9. Koromo
Koromo or Goromo is ane of the most stunning types of koi fish. It is a hybrid of a Kohaku and an Asagi ki fish. It has the characteristic colors of a Kohaku (white as well as red) as well as the characteristic internet blueprint of the Asagi koi fish.
Pattern of Markings
The torso of a Goromo koi fish is white-colored amongst a red-orange blueprint on the torso precisely similar a Kohaku koi fish. What makes it dissimilar from the Kohaku is the blue-colored, net-like blueprint of the scales on each of the red-colored scaly patches that are introduce on the torso of a Goromo koi fish.
There are iii dissimilar variants of the Goromo koi fish, which are:
Aigoromo: It has an indigo-blue colored border to the scales (known equally the ai) inside the red-colored patterns (hi).
Sumigoromo: It has a black-colored border to the scales (sumi) inside the red-colored blueprint (hi).
Budogoromo: It has an overlaid red-colored (hi) blueprint amongst a black-colored (sumi) pattern, which gives its hi blueprint a grape-like (called budo) appearance.
10. Goshiki
Goshiki means 5 colors. This type of koi fish has a solid, white-colored torso with an Asagi-like black-blue, internet blueprint spread throughout the length of its body. It is the final result of breeding between Asagi and Kohaku koi fish.
There is a red-colored (hi) plate that comes from the Kohaku, over the net-like blueprint that comes from the Asagi. It is named Goshiki because of the presence of diverse colors which are: white (of the base), red-orange (of the hi-plate), as well as bluish as well as dark (of the net-like pattern).
As the Goshiki ages, the carmine hi plate operate thus thick as well as dense that it appears equally an external sticker over the torso of the koi fish. The net-like blueprint likewise disappears, as well as alone the thick red-colored plate remains throughout the body. If the koi has been taken aid of the right way as well as the colors develop correctly, a Goshiki koi fish is a stunning sight to see!
11. Kawarimono
Kawarimono or Kawarigoi is a menage unit of measurement of koi fish that comprises of fast-growing, large-sized koi fish. The most prominent types of koi fish in this category are:
Hajiro: It is a koi fish with a dark torso (sumi) amongst white-colored (shiroji) tips on its fins as well as tail.
Hageshiro: This koi fish is quite similar to Hajiro, but has a white-colored human face upward as well as caput instead of white-colored tips on its fins as well as tail.
Kumonryu: Also known equally the dragon fish, it is a koi fish that has a Sumi Doitsu torso amongst white-colored, swirling markings on its entire torso as well as head. The blueprint is non fixed. It changes amongst the season.
Ochiba Shigure: The scream way fallen leaves. It is thus named because it has a Kohaku-like blueprint that overlays a blue-gray (sora) body. This blueprint resembles fallen autumn leaves over water.
Single-Colored Varieties
The Kawarimono family likewise includes single-colored koi fish. Some of the single-colored varieties of Kawarimono are:
Kigoi (yellow-colored)
Benigoi (dark-red)
Midorigoi (green-colored)
Soragoi (blue-gray)
Chagoi (green-brown/brown colored)
Shiro Muji (white-colored)
12. Hikari Muji
Hikari Muji or Hikari Mono is a degree of koi fish that are single-colored, amongst peel that is shiny inwards appearance. Hikari way shiny or metallic. Because of their shimmering beauty, these koi fish are the start to hold upward sold from retail fish tanks. They exercise non conduct hold whatever patterns on their bodies, equally a final result of which, the shiny appearance is to a greater extent than profound.
The numerous types of koi fish that autumn inwards this category are:
Orenji Ogon: It is a deep-orange colored koi fish.
Aka Matsuba: This koi fish has carmine scales that conduct hold dark centers. These scales give the koi fish a pinecone effect.
Kin Matsuba: It is a yellow-gold colored, metallic-looking koi fish that has a blueprint similar to an Aka Matsuba.
Gin Matsuba: This koi fish is a silver-colored version of the Kin Matsuba.
13. Hikari Moyo
While the single-colored Ogon, Kin, and Matsuba fall inwards the category of Hikari Muji, all the Hikari (metallic) koi fish that conduct hold 2 or to a greater extent than colors autumn nether the umbrella of Hikari Moyo. Numerous types of koi fish that autumn nether this degree are a final result of breeding betwixt different Hikari Mono koi fish.
Hikari Moyo is a breathtakingly beautiful family of koi fish. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 combination of shimmering peel amongst striking patterns as well as coloring makes Hikari Moyo koi fish a first-class sight to await at!
The fish that autumn nether the degree of Hikari Moyo are:
Yamatonisiki: This is a metallic element version of the Sanke koi fish.
Hariwake: It is a koi fish with a white-colored body, amongst orangish or yellow-colored markings similar to that of a Kohaku koi fish.
Sakura Ogon: This is a metallic element version of the Kohaku koi fish.
Kujaku: The word Kujaku means Peacock. It is a metallic element version of the Kohaku koi fish with a Matsuba (pinecone) pattern.
There are numerous other types of koi fish like Hikari Utsuri, Kin gin rin, etc. These types are less mutual as well as far less pop equally compared to the types of koi fish listed above. What makes koi fish such a favorite fish species for decorative purposes are their colors as well as patterns. Koi fish are the simplest, withal the most elegantly beautiful fish flora inwards ponds, aquariums, as well as fish gardens.
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