9 Different Types of Dogwood

White together with pinkish flowers blossoming on dogwood trees nine Different Types of Dogwood

Dogwoods are beautiful trees that are native to Asia, Europe, together with North America. They belong to the Cornus genus together with include trees, shrubs, together with sub-shrubs. They are the virtually mutual type of tree together with stimulate got many dissimilar varieties together with cultivars, each with their ain educate of distinct characteristics. It is cultivated all over the world, where the climate together with growing conditions are virtually suited for it.

Features of Dogwood

They grow to a tiptop of to a greater extent than or less 25 feet at a charge per unit of measurement of 24 inches a year. These trees are deciduous together with grow best inwards partial shade. Some varieties also demand total shade inwards social club to grow to their maximum. They stimulate got potent branches together with are practiced for the winter. Some species of this tree also stimulate got cerise together with yellowish branches that tin give a really colorful hold off to whatsoever landscape. They grow really attractive flowers together with are really useful inwards the garden. The leaves stimulate got veins that bend inwards together with are parallel to the margins. After pollinating, these trees make a fruit known every bit a drupe. These fruits are edible, but non all of them are tasty. The flowers are mostly white inwards color together with are really tiny. The foliage is really colorful too.

Cultivation of DogwoodWhite together with pinkish flowers blossoming on dogwood trees nine Different Types of Dogwood

Rich, moist soil is ideal for the growth of this sort of shrub. Mostly these are drought tolerant, but wet areas ensure that these plants thrive together with grow to function really healthy. This is why they are mostly works life close streams or other areas where at that spot is an abundance of water. They tolerate shade really well, which is why they are mostly seen growing nether huge trees. The mutual depression temperature weather condition is practiced for the growth of these plants. If these are existence grown inwards the hot weather, together with so it is imperative that at that spot is shade for them to grow. Otherwise, they tin endure a nifty deal.

They require really fiddling maintenance together with care. The exclusively affair that needs to live on taken assist of is the fact that they stimulate got plenty wet to grow. They demand regular cutting too, due to the fact that they shape large thickets. Root sprouts should live on dug out if they are showing upward inwards unwanted areas. The former stems should live on cutting inwards the wintertime flavor inwards social club permit the novel growth come upward out properly. These trees are prone to the same diseases every bit other trees, but the biggest job is fungal pathogens. These include oseptoria leafage spot together with anthracnose. This needs to live on taken assist of properly. In the illustration that it’s not, they tin swallow the whole works life yesteryear spreading.  Fungicide handling mightiness also live on needed inwards severe cases inwards social club to function on the works life alive.

Types of Dogwood

There are many dissimilar types together with cultivars of this tree. The virtually pop ones are listed below together with explained.

Canadian BunchberryWhite together with pinkish flowers blossoming on dogwood trees nine Different Types of Dogwood

This works life is a subshrub together with is the fastest growing works life inwards the world. They fling out their pollen at a speed of xv miles per second. It tin clone itself through rhizomes together with spreads across the entire garden at a really fast pace. The scientific refer for this diversity is Cornus Canadensis. Other mutual names for this diversity includeCrackerberry, depression cornel, Canadian dwarf cornel, together with bearberry, amongst many others. This tree is native to North America, northeastern Asia, together with Greenland. The USDA hardiness zones for this diversity are ii to 7. The USDA symbol for this tree is coca13.  It typically grows upward to a tiptop of ii to 12 feet.

This perennial has pointed leaves that are greenish inwards color. The stems grow erect together with inwards depression patches. H5N1 few greenish flowers grow on overstep with 4 white or pinkish brackets. The blooms come upward whatsoever fourth dimension from May to September. The blooms are colored white, yellow, brown, or green. This diversity needs a lot of H2O to thrive, with shade or role shade, although it tin tolerate Sun too. The soil should live on moist with a pH below 6.8. This tree acts every bit an amazing Earth comprehend inwards damp areas. This shrub bears cerise berries that supersede the flowers afterward on. These berries are tasty to some people, but to others, they simply hold off pleasing to the optic but non tasty plenty to live on eaten.

Common DogwoodWhite together with pinkish flowers blossoming on dogwood trees nine Different Types of Dogwood

The scientific refer for this shrub is Cornus sanguine. Other mutual names for this 1 include Bloodtwig dogwood and European dogwood. It is native to Southwest Asia together with Europe. The USDA hardiness zones for this tree are 4 to 7. It tin grow to a tiptop of vi to xx feet approximately. The subgenera for this shrub are Swida. This tree belongs to the Cornaceae family. The stems of this deciduous perennial are vivid yellow. Tiny flowers tin live on seen on this shrub.

These come upward inwards dense clusters with showy bracts. The leaves plough to a deep cerise color inwards autumn. Blackberries tin also live on seen on this tree. Full Sun or partial shade, both are ideal for the growth of this plant. The soil should live on well-drained together with moist for this tree to grow healthy. The soil tin live on acidic, alkaline, or neutral. This tree takes to a greater extent than or less five to 10 years for it to grow to its maximum height. It is by together with large pest-free but tin live on attacked yesteryear Equus caballus chestnut scale sometimes. It is mainly grown every bit an ornamental.

Cornelian CherryWhite together with pinkish flowers blossoming on dogwood trees nine Different Types of Dogwood

This tree is known to bloom really early. The fruit that this tree bears tin live on harvested 1 time it has ripened together with fallen off to the ground. The fruit tin live on used for a lot of dissimilar purposes, like making liquors, jams, or sauces. The botanical refer for this tree is Cornus mas. Other mutual names include European cornel. This tree is native to Southern Europe together with southwest Asia. The USDA hardiness zones for this works life are 4 to 8. It grows to a tiptop of xv to 25 feet approximately.

This tree is commonly planted are residential areas together with parks. It tin live on used for hedging, massing, or every bit a shade tree. It tin grow ideally inwards total Sun or role shade. It needs vi hours of lite daily inwards social club to live on healthy. Alkaline soil that is moist together with well-drained is ideal for the growth of this tree. It tin tolerate dry out areas together with occasional flooding, but cannot tolerate drought well. This works life attracts a lot of birds. The leaves are ovate together with are 2 to 4 inches in length together with 2.5 inches wide. The flowers are commonly colored yellowish together with the seasons best for the growth of this tree are early on spring, early on summer, midsummer, belatedly summertime or early on fall. This works life does non stimulate got whatsoever pest problems.

Flowering DogwoodWhite together with pinkish flowers blossoming on dogwood trees nine Different Types of Dogwood

The scientific refer for this type is Cornus florida. It is native to Eastern North America. The USDA hardiness zones for this tree are 5 to 9. It typically grows upward to a tiptop of xv to xl feet. The subgenera for this tree are Benthamidia. This tree is characterized yesteryear a educate of flowers that are white, pink, or cerise inwards color. This tree has high chances of getting dogwood anthracnose. To forestall this, the affected branches should live on pruned often. This tree is the state tree of North Carolina. The leaves of this tree plough reddish-purple inwards fall. Partial shade is ideal for the growth of this plant, with moist together with well-drained soil.

4 hours of straight sunlight tin ensure that this works life grows to live on actually healthy. This tree has a medium growth rate; the tiptop increases xiii to 24 inches every twelvemonth approximately. This works life blooms inwards Apr or May together with has white bracts. This tree also produces fruit that is glossy red. Birds are really attracted yesteryear this fruit. The leaves are night light-green inwards color together with are 4 to 8 inches long. There are over 100 cultivars of this variety, each with their ain distinct characteristics.

Kousa DogwoodWhite together with pinkish flowers blossoming on dogwood trees nine Different Types of Dogwood

The botanical refer for this shrub is Cornus kousa. Other mutual names include Chinese dogwood, Korean dogwood, together with Japanese dogwood. It is native to Eastern Asia. The USDA hardiness zones for this diversity are five to 8. This tree tin grow upward to a tiptop of xv to thirty feet. The subgenera for this tree are Benthamidia. This is a deciduous tree that is characterized yesteryear lots of showy flowers together with fruits. It is tolerant of drought. The lower branches should live on pruned off so that the torso tin have light. This makes it modify color with yellowish together with white spots on the bark.

This tree has a medium growth rate; its tiptop increases yesteryear 12 to 24 inches to a greater extent than or less every year. Full Sun together with partial shade, both are ideal for the growth of this tree. Well-drained together with moist soil tin ensure that this works life grows to function healthy.  This tree looks beautiful throughout the year. It is resistant to diseases. The blooms are white inwards color after which come upward cerise berries. The bloom fourth dimension is from May to June. This tree has a medium H2O requirement together with does non demand a lot of maintenance. This tree attracts a lot of wildlife. It tin live on used every bit a street tree or every bit a flowering tree.

Northern Swamp Dogwood

This species is known every bit Cornus racemose. Other names for this tree include Gray dogwood together with panicled dogwood. It is native to Eastern North America and is hardy inwards USDA zones 4 to 8. It grows upward to a tiptop of 4 to xv feet, and its subgenera are Swida. This tree is characterized yesteryear an orangish-brown bark that eventually fades to greyness every bit the tree grows older. It has white flowers together with white fruits. Like another species, this species tin shape suckers. This tree tin thrive inwards sunny or shady areas with wet or dry out conditions. The foliage is grayish-green inwards color together with is sharp-tipped. The flowers are creamy-white in color together with stimulate got 4 elliptical petals that brand a star-like a shape. The flowering flavor is May to June. The fruits come upward somewhere inwards August together with September together with are white inwards color too. Very rarely, they are pale blue. This works life has an upright growing habit together with oppositely arranged leaves.

Pacific DogwoodWhite together with pinkish flowers blossoming on dogwood trees nine Different Types of Dogwood

The scientific refer for this tree is Cornus nuttallii. Other mutual names include mount dogwood together with western flowering dogwood. It is native to British Columbia and Washington. The USDA hardiness zones for this tree are seven to 9. It typically grows to a tiptop of xv to xl feet, but inwards some cases also reaches 75 feet. This tree tin live on upward to 150 years old. The leaves are iii to five inches long together with are smoothen inwards texture. They plough to a vivid cerise color inwards autumn. The flowers are small-scale together with white. This tree bears reddish berries inwards abundance. It has smoothen together with greyish bark. This tree grows best inwards deep well-drained soil. Pigeons together with waxwings are highly attracted to the fruit this tree bears. Deer feast on the twigs. This tree has many uses. H5N1 lot of people job the forest of this tree to brand bows together with arrows. It is also used to brand tanning agent. This tree tin acquire fungus together with other diseases that tin motility the shoots to die. For this purpose, it is imperative that the fallen leaves should live on cleared forthwith together with should live on sprayed with lime together with sulfur to trim the chances of infection significantly.

Pagoda DogwoodWhite together with pinkish flowers blossoming on dogwood trees nine Different Types of Dogwood

The botanical refer for this diversity is Cornus alternifolia. Other mutual names include alternate leafage dogwood together with light-green osier. The USDA hardiness zones for this tree are 4 to 7, and its native surface area is Eastern North America. This tree tin grow to a tiptop of 15 to 25 feet tall. This is a really attractive works life that has tiered together with horizontal branches. The flowers are creamy-white inwards color together with are extremely smack inwards size. These flowers are really fragrant together with bloom inwards late spring which is the blooming flavor for this plant. This tree also bears fruit inwards the shape of blueberries. These fruits mature somewhere inwards belatedly summer. The leaves are long together with plough to a majestic color inwards autumn. This dogwood diversity attracts a lot of wildlife. The flowers attract butterflies. Moist, fertile soil along with a sunny shit is ideal for the salubrious growth of this plant, although some shade is needed inwards the afternoon. It is best that the soil is well-drained together with acidic. Growing this tree is non a really difficult task. It also requires really less care, 1 time cultivated.

Red Osier DogwoodWhite together with pinkish flowers blossoming on dogwood trees nine Different Types of Dogwood

This tree is native to North America together with has many names. H5N1 few of them are cerise twig dogwood, western dogwood, and poisonous substance dogwood. The botanical refer for this tree is Cornus sericea. Its USDA hardiness zones are ii to 7.  It typically grows to a tiptop of vi to 12 feet. It is characterized yesteryear a cluster of small-scale white flowers together with oval leaves. It is virtually commonly works life inwards wet areas together with is so tolerant of floods. It grows best inwards total sun. It tin also grow in the shade but volition stimulate got a slow growth rate and volition send fewer fruits.

These trees are really pop together with are works life inwards many dissimilar landscapes. With a diversity of uses, these trees are a pop choice for many.

Source: homestratosphere.com
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