How to Store Parsley in Fun Creative Ways

Parsley inwards a jute handbag on a wooden chopping board How to Store Parsley inwards Fun  Creative Ways

Parsley is a pop herb that enhances the flavor of whatsoever dishes.

We all know that herbs are best eaten fresh, specially parsley. However, you lot can’t just proceed on buying herbs every fourth dimension you lot innovation to job it for cooking. It’s more practical to purchase a pack of fresh parsley in addition to shop it inwards your domicile thence that you lot tin job them whenever you lot want.

Sure, no problem. Sounds similar an easy-breezy matter to do, right?

However, there’s just 1 picayune snag—

Storing parsley for besides long is that it loses its freshness later some time.

Fresh herbs, inwards particular, don’t terminal long if you lot don’t job them later a few days of purchase. Luckily, at that spot are a few hacks that you lot tin job to save your pack of parsley for a longer fourth dimension than usual. With these fun in addition to creative hacks, you lot tin describe out some dainty in addition to fresh parsley from your storage fifty-fifty if they’ve been at that spot for quite some time.

Let me instruct you lot some of the hacks that I know (some of which I even thence follow to this day):

Related: All types of nutrient storage

Refrigerating Your Parsley

Parsley inwards a jute handbag on a wooden chopping board How to Store Parsley inwards Fun  Creative Ways

The simplest matter you lot tin practise is to refrigerate your parsley. While this is the simplest method, it is also the to the lowest degree effective when it comes to storing parsley. That is because parsley is susceptible to harm when exposed to mutual frigidity for a longer period. However, you lot tin job this method if you lot know that you’re going to job the parsley inwards the side past times side five days.

We own got 2 methods that nosotros job when nosotros desire to effectively refrigerate parsley.

Let’s accept a hold off at them:

Refrigerating Parsley Technique 1: Bundle Stem Up

The outset technique is a genuinely uncomplicated one. All you lot own got to practise is necktie upward your parsley packet at the stems using a prophylactic band. After that, larn a newspaper towel in addition to roll it about the parsley bundle. From there, you lot tin shop it inwards the fridge.

The matter nigh storing parsley inwards the fridge is that the mutual frigidity mightiness harm the leaves. That’s the whole role of the newspaper towel— to protect the leaves of the parsley. The newspaper towel won’t protect the parsley forever though. In fact, it tin solely terminal for nigh 3 to five days before the mutual frigidity volition start to creep into the leaves in addition to harm them. Thus why nosotros mentioned before that you lot demand to job the parsley inwards five days if you lot just desire to refrigerate it.

But if you lot demand to a greater extent than time, no worries. Just accept the fourth dimension to modify the newspaper towel in addition to roll some novel layers to your parsley again.

Refrigerating Parsley Technique 2: Chop in addition to Toss

The side past times side technique also involves storing the parsley inwards the fridge but does entail a flake to a greater extent than work. First, you lot chop upward the parsley in addition to accept away all the stems. From there, set the parsley on a plate in addition to set it inwards the fridge. Once it has cooled, you lot demand to toss the chopped parsley leaves for a piece in addition to set them dorsum inwards the fridge. If you lot practise this, the parsley volition eventually dry out up. Once it dries up, you lot tin set it within a container in addition to shop the container dorsum inwards the fridge.

If you lot demand to job some of the parsley for your ingredients, all you lot own got to practise is accept out the container in addition to scoop upward the amount of parsley that you lot demand for cooking. Don’t forget to set the container dorsum inwards the fridge.

Freezing Your Parsley

Aside from refrigeration, 1 of the easiest methods to shop parsley for a longer catamenia of fourth dimension is to just freeze it! In fact, freezing it tin assistance you lot proceed it for months, allowing you lot to brand job of it all twelvemonth long. That way, you lot don’t demand to proceed on going dorsum to the shop to purchase a novel pack of parsley whenever you lot need. You tin fifty-fifty freeze excess chopped parsley that you lot couldn’t complete later preparing a previous dish.

So, how precisely practise you lot freeze parsley anyway? We own got 3 methods that we’d similar to part for this outset hack.

Check them out below:

Freezing Parsley Technique 1: The Parsley Ball

The outset technique that we’d similar to part involves using a freezer handbag to shop your parsley in. Before you lot shop your parsley inwards a handbag in addition to putting it inwards your freezer, outset launder it amongst mutual frigidity H2O in addition to air dry out it. You tin practise this past times lightly wiping the parsley leaves amongst a towel. After that, accept out the stems in addition to larn out the leaves. You practise own got the choice to proceed the stems (I commonly just job the leaves). So, I prefer taking the stalk out before storing the parsley. Saves me a lot of time.

Once you lot own got a bunch of leaves, select handgrip of them all inwards both hands in addition to squeeze them all together to shape a ball. Make certain that they’re all tightly packed together. Once you’ve formed your parsley ball, thence materials them all inwards a freezer bag. the fundamental hither is to brand certain the freezer handbag is total to the rim. As much equally possible, don’t larn out whatsoever empty room inwards the bag. Once you’ve stuffed your parsley ball inwards the bag, you lot tin thence set the handbag inwards the freezer.

After a few days, you’ll respect your parsley ball hardened in addition to a flake difficult to accept out. In social club to accept out a piece, you lot just demand to larn a knife or a brace of those kitchen pair of scissors in addition to chop/cut out parts that you lot demand for your dish.

Freezing Parsley Technique 2: Pesto Hoarding

Most of the time, people job parsley for cooking pasta or for making a sauce. So here’s some other vogue to save your parsley— make a yummy pesto out of the leaves in addition to freeze it.

If you’re a pasta lover or think that you lot tin add together some parsley pesto sauce on other dishes of yours, thence you lot tin just brand the pesto beforehand in addition to freeze it. The wages of this technique is that the gustation becomes ameliorate over time.

In social club to brand the pesto, follow these steps:

  • Chop upward the parsley that you lot desire to save in addition to dump it on your blender.

  • Add some pino nuts, about five cloves of garlic, in addition to some salt.

  • Then add together some olive fossil oil on top of that.

  • Since the recipe is based on how much parsley you lot desire to preserve, you lot tin play about amongst the give away of pino nuts, garlic, in addition to common salt you lot add.

  • Once you lot larn the gustation that you lot like, blend everything together.

Once you lot brand your pesto, set equally much pesto equally you lot tin inwards freezer bags or jars until all your pesto is gone. After that, you lot just demand to shop the bags/jars inwards your freezer in addition to accept it out whenever you lot demand it. All the remaining parsley that you lot didn’t job for your pesto tin live stored using the outset technique or this side past times side one.

Freezing Parsley Technique 3: The Parsley Cubes

Parsley inwards a jute handbag on a wooden chopping board How to Store Parsley inwards Fun  Creative Ways

This terminal technique involves turning the parsley into H2O ice cubes, which you lot tin thaw out when you lot demand to create them. Basically, you’ll follow the outset few steps of the outset technique. You launder the parsley in addition to chop off the stems. For this technique, you lot demand to cutting off the stems, otherwise, the parsley leaves can’t lucifer into the H2O ice cube container. You may also opt to job a nutrient processor to finely minced the leaves.

Once you lot own got a bunch of leaves, set equally many leaves into each foursquare of the H2O ice cube container without fully stuffing them since you’ll even thence add together water. Once you’ve filled it amongst leaves, set a picayune flake of H2O inwards each square. You don’t demand to fill upward the squares to the rim but you lot practise demand to encompass the leaves. When you’ve done that, set your H2O ice cube containers filled amongst parsley into the freezer in addition to hold off for them to freeze.

When you lot demand to job your parsley, just accept out the H2O ice cube containers in addition to interruption equally many H2O ice cubes equally you lot need. You tin oestrus upward the parsley H2O ice cube or set them inwards a bowl filled amongst H2O thence that they tin defrost. If you lot practise this, your parsley has the adventure to remain fresh throughout a few months.

Jarring Your Parsley

Aside from freezing your parsley, there’s some other method that’s pop amid moms who similar to often move inwards the kitchen. This is a kitchen technique that is somehow passed from woman raise to immature lady in addition to onward. No 1 tin genuinely explicate why it works, but it does.

We own got 3 specific techniques on how nosotros implement jarring of parsley. You tin endeavor out whichever 1 plant best for you.

Jarring Parsley Technique 1: Jars Store Them amongst Water

With this technique, you lot must outset job a brace of kitchen pair of scissors to cutting off the bottom of the stems. You’ll desire clean-cut stems that you lot tin set inwards the water. Also, rinse the parsley a flake but dry out them correct after.

Once you’re done amongst that, larn an empty jounce in addition to fill upward it amongst water. This tin live an empty bricklayer jounce or just a random one-time drinking glass jounce of mayonnaise. When at that spot is already H2O inside, you lot just set the stems of parsley inwards the water. After doing this, you lot tin larn out it pretty much anywhere that has room temperature. You may desire to shop it inwards a closet or just inwards the kitchen table. Just brand certain that it doesn’t attract whatsoever pests to it. You tin also endeavor leaving it inwards your porch thence that the exterior weather condition tin assistance save it.

If you lot desire to accept out the parsley, you lot tin just describe out a few pieces from the jounce in addition to job them. Also, recall to modify the H2O later a few days. Probably later a week, you lot volition notice that the color of the H2O is stained. Before the color becomes besides prominent, modify the H2O immediately. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 proficient gain to follow is closed to every 3 to 4 days.

Doing this volition save the parsley for nigh 1 to 2 weeks before you lot start to come across some discoloration inwards the leaves. Once you lot come across some discoloration already, laid about plucking out the bad leaves in addition to start using the proficient ones.

Jarring Parsley Technique 2: Freeze Them Up

The minute technique is rather similar to the outset 1 except that you’ll shop the parsley jounce inwards your fridge. So, repeat the procedure of cutting the bottom parts of the parsley stems in addition to putting the parsley inwards the jounce of water. The solely divergence amongst this method is you’ll live exposing the parsley to the cold.

Now, if you’re non going to freeze your parsley in addition to volition just larn out it inwards the fridge, the mutual frigidity may genuinely harm it. In social club to forbid that, you lot just demand to encompass the top of the jounce (where the leaves are sticking out) amongst a plastic freezer bag. Just identify a small-scale plastic freezer handbag on the top in addition to you lot tin job some record to brand the freezer handbag stick to the jar.

Just similar inwards the outset method, you lot demand to modify the H2O from fourth dimension to fourth dimension since the H2O volition larn discolored. Again, follow the gain that nosotros provided higher upward of changing the H2O every 3 to 4 days. Doing this should allow you lot to save your parsley for quite a long time. To live specific, it may terminal for nigh 2 to 3 weeks. However, you lot may notice that some leaves are yellowish later a calendar week or so. All you lot own got to practise is pluck out the yellowish leaves in addition to proceed the light-green ones there.

Jarring Parsley Technique 3: Parsley Vinaigrette (Recommended for Salad Lovers!)

Parsley inwards a jute handbag on a wooden chopping board How to Store Parsley inwards Fun  Creative Ways

The 3rd method is pretty much similar the outset 2 methods but instead of filling the jounce amongst water, you’ll fill upward it amongst vinegar. This is a technique that’s commonly done if you lot desire to brand a homemade vinaigrette amongst parsley inside. The parsley inwards the vinaigrette volition remain fresh in addition to the vinaigrette tin live used for salads or soup flavoring.

To apply this technique, just rinse your parsley pieces, dry out them a bit, in addition to chop them up. Get a bricklayer jounce in addition to fill upward it upward ¾ total amongst some vinegar. Put the chopped parsley inwards in addition to permit the mixture steep for a month. After that month, you’ll at nowadays own got infused vinegar which has a non bad flavor in addition to tin live used for a lot of delicious recipes.

Dehydrating Your Parsley

Another vogue of preserving your parsley is to dehydrate them. This way that you’ll live squeezing out their wet thence that they tin terminal long. We own got 4 specific methods of drying or dehydrating your parsley.

The 4 methods are using a dehydrator, air drying, oven dehydrating, in addition to microwave drying. Take authorities notation that if you lot endeavor whatsoever of these methods, your parsley volition cease upward real dry out in addition to crumbly. If you lot desire to job them for ingredients, you’ll own got to rehydrate them again.

Anyway, hither are the methods:

Dehydrating Parsley Technique 1: Make Them Dry in addition to Crumbly

Parsley inwards a jute handbag on a wooden chopping board How to Store Parsley inwards Fun  Creative Ways

The outset method that we’d similar to hash out involves using a dehydrator. As the scream implies, a dehydrator is a automobile that sucks out wet from an ingredient. It does thence past times combining air stream in addition to oestrus to create concentrated humidity about your parsley, drying it up.

First of all, you lot demand to rinse your parsley just a flake in addition to dry out them. Take out your dehydrator in addition to preheat it to about 45 Celsius. Once preheated, set the parsley pieces inwards 1 past times one. Make certain that each slice is a flake far from each other thence that each gets the same amount of oestrus needed to dry out up.

Monitor the parsley from fourth dimension to fourth dimension in addition to depository fiscal establishment check to come across if it is dry out in addition to crumbly. If it is already crumbly, thence you lot tin plough off your dehydrator in addition to accept out the parsley. Put the parsley into a small-scale container in addition to set the container aside. Make certain you lot shop the container inwards a dry out area.

Dehydrating Parsley Technique 2: Air Dried Parsley

Not everyone has the capacity to purchase a dehydrator for their kitchen. So, the side past times side choice is to move one-time schoolhouse in addition to air dry out your parsley. Back before dehydrators became a thing, this was genuinely the principal method that housewives in addition to cooks used to dehydrate their herbs.

First, you lot rinse your parsley a flake in addition to thence dry out upward the leaves. Get a prophylactic band in addition to necktie all the stems together tight. Put the packet of parsley within a newspaper handbag in addition to create upward one's heed where you’ll hang the paper. You tin hang it either indoors or outdoors. As per experience, the parsley that comes from indoor air drying commonly produces stronger taste. Outdoor dried ones don’t commonly modify inwards gustation but they tin live preserved for a genuinely long time. Some people are also genuinely creative past times putting the leaves nigh LED bulbs to brand the most of the oestrus the bulbs generate.

Once you lot hang your newspaper bag, you’ll demand to ensure that the airflow is even thence regulated through small-scale spaces for air to move in. This volition forbid the increment of mold. When hung, you lot demand to hold off for about 1 to weeks for the parsley to dry. After 1 or 2 weeks, depository fiscal establishment check if the parsley is totally dry out in addition to crumbled. Once it is, you lot may set it within a container which tin live stored whatsoever vogue you lot want.

Dehydrating Parsley Technique 3: Fresh from the Oven

The side past times side method is oven dehydrating the parsley. For this method, we’ll job the extreme oestrus of the oven to suck out the wet quickly. So again, rinse your parsley in addition to dry out them a bit. After that, line of piece of work them upward on a cookie dough sheet. Preheat your oven to the lowest oestrus setting in addition to thence set the canvas within the oven.

Wait for about 2 to 4 hours in addition to it should dry out up. It may accept shorter or longer depending on the type of parsley you’re drying but this is the full general range. To totally brand sure, just depository fiscal establishment check the parsley from fourth dimension to time.

Once you’ve dried parsley, just set the parsley within a container in addition to identify the container inwards a dry out in addition to cool area.

Dehydrating Parsley Technique 4: Microwaved Parsley

The terminal technique is to just set the parsley into a microwave in addition to oestrus it up. To practise this, you lot just demand to rinse the leaves thence dry out them a flake amongst a cloth. After that, set the parsley on a plate in addition to set a newspaper towel over the leaves. Then, set the plate of parsley within the microwave.

Set the microwave to xxx seconds in addition to larn out it there. If you lot experience that the leaves aren’t dry out plenty yet, thence spread the leaves farther apart in addition to endeavor over again for some other xxx seconds. When that’s done, just set the leaves into a container in addition to laid aside inwards a cool in addition to dry out place.


These fun in addition to creative ways to save your parsley tin assistance you lot proceed them fresh for long periods of time. Some of the methods fifty-fifty instruct you lot how to save the parsley through making pesto or vinaigrette. Those give you lot a adventure to explore diverse cooking methods.

Just to give you lot an consider of the length of fourth dimension you lot tin save parsley, proper storage of the herb tin allow you lot to save it for nigh 1 to vi months depending on which method you lot prefer to use. Some methods such equally refrigeration volition solely give you lot the preservation of 3 weeks similar methods similar jarring tin give you lot about 2 to 3 months preservation. If you lot freeze or dehydrate your parsley well, thence you lot tin fifty-fifty brand them terminal upward to vi months.

This genuinely all depends on how long you’re going to demand your parsley fresh. If you lot job a lot of parsley for your cooking, thence it genuinely volition pay off to written report the dissimilar kinds of storage techniques thence that you lot tin own got fresh parsley all twelvemonth round. This is much to a greater extent than convenient in addition to cheaper than having to proceed on buying parsley whenever you lot demand to. Aside from convenience, you lot also larn to salve a packet if you lot save parsley because at that spot are some seasons when parsley prices move up. If e'er you lot purchase parsley inwards a low-price flavor in addition to shop them all throughout the high cost season, you lot tin genuinely salve a bundle.

In whatsoever case, these creative methods of storing parsley tin come upward inwards handy if you’re mortal who uses a lot of herbs. The same storage techniques that nosotros mentioned higher upward tin also live applied for other herbs equally good but that’s a theme for some other day.

For now, bask your fresh parsley amongst these storage tips. Happy cooking!

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