19 Types of Upholstered Chairs

Twin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

Upholstered chairs are the most commonly seen type of furniture. The upholstery stuff is a large investment too yous don’t desire to second-guess the material, pattern or color a few weeks after the newly-upholstered chairs instruct inwards at your doorstep.

What is Upholstery?

Upholstery is the piece of occupation of providing slice of furniture alongside padded fabrics, springs, too webbings to embrace them. Upholstery piece of occupation commencement started inwards the Middle Ages too gained popularity during the 17th century. Since then, a broad multifariousness of materials receive got been used to embrace upholstery, including hay too horsehair.

These days, upholstered slice of furniture is reinforced alongside foam too metallic springs which give them to a greater extent than durability. Although the webbing too boundary may non move visible from the outside, they brand a huge difference inwards the comfort of a chair or sofa. Although the stuff is oftentimes changed, choosing high-quality inner layers is the telephone commutation to making a slice of slice of furniture final for a long time.

Throughout the centuries, many skilled artisans too designers receive got created unique pieces of the upholstered slice of furniture that complement one’s domicile décor every bit good every bit offering maximum functionality too comfort. In this piece, nosotros volition speak over the many types of upholstered chairs that receive got been invented over the years.


Tub Chair

Twin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

The mention “tub chair” is quite apt since sitting inwards the chair gives yous all the comfort of reclining inwards a bathtub after a long, difficult day. This form of upholstered chairs has arms that crease around the dorsum too attach to the base, giving it a shape of a classic roll-rim tub. The tub chair tin move upholstered alongside a broad attain of stuff including leather for an upgraded price.

The shape of the chair is such that it offers relaxation to the dorsum muscles too the spine. This is why this chair is often constitute at chiropractors’ too medical practitioners’ business office too is used past times patients alongside dorsum injuries or issues. These chairs are also constitute inwards fashionable too modern homes arranged inwards couples around a side table.  They are generally used inwards dens, libraries, studies too living rooms.

Wing-backed Chair

Twin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

The wing-backed chair was commencement designed to move used inwards front end of a fireplace. Although the style commencement originated inwards France, the most pop versions were developed inwards England during the 17th century, where the mutual coldness winters made the roaring fireplace the gathering identify for the entire house.

It is characterized past times a tall dorsum too side panels that spread similar wings on either side, which were meant to protect an private from a draft or contain the oestrus from the burn downward inwards the chair. Although the wings receive got ii principal styles— scroll or apartment — countless novel versions are instantly produced, including the butterfly-like wings or pointed wings.

The wing-backed chairs are closely associated alongside designs similar Queen Anne. Since this style of chair was designed primarily for women’s use, they are slightly smaller than a typical wing chair.

Fauteuil Chair

Fauteuil (pronounced every bit foe-toy) only agency armchair inwards French too refers to the antique upholstered armchairs alongside opened upward sides. Their arms were over-upholstered to tally the topographic point too back.

The style was created during the belatedly 17th century nigh the destination of Louis XIV’s reign too remained pop inwards the 1900s. The modern versions may move lighter, ornate, too graceful. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 pop variation is the fauteuil à la Reine or the Queen’s armchair, which has a foursquare high dorsum dissimilar the traditional rounded 1 of the fauteuil chair.

Bergere ChairTwin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

The Bergere is a type of enclosed French armchair alongside an upholstered dorsum too armrests alongside padding. The topographic point frame is heavily upholstered alongside a tailored topographic point though the residual of the forest framing is visible.  This chair is believed to move a deviation from the to a greater extent than rigid, uncomfortable designs of chairs inwards French Republic around 1725 too they remained pop till the 1800s. These chairs receive got several similar features to Rococo, Louis XV, too Louise XVI styles, though they were modified inwards several ways through the centuries. The Bergere chair is known to receive got a bigger too wider frame than the French Fauteuil chairs.

The forest used inwards the framing tin move painted, gilt or polished to demo off its natural color. This type of chair style is soundless really pop today.


The slipper chairs are a category of low, armless too upholstered chairs. They sit down around xv inches from the the world every bit compared to the normal 17 to xix inches chair. The commencement styles became pop inwards the 18th century too experienced a revival inwards the 20th century.

The low-slung chairs were commencement used inwards women’s dressing rooms too ladies used to sit down inwards them every bit maids helped them pose on their shoes or slippers, which gives the chair its name. These petty chairs remained inwards the boudoir until the American designer Billy Baldwin added box pleats beneath them to cover the legs too brought them out into the living room.

Designer John Henry Belter patented this style of chair too used it to demo off unique forest crafting, including a jigsaw style too bent laminated wood. The style of slipper chairs is Rococo which was an inspiration for many American designers during that time.

ReclinersTwin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

A recliner is 1 of the most comfortable types of chairs. These chairs tin move adjusted alongside the assist of a lever to either remain upright or reclined alongside a kick-out footrest. Many recliners receive got a high dorsum thence that yous tin residual your upper torso fully on it when the chair is inwards a reclined position.

This is 1 of the most pop types of chairs for reading or watching movies.

Club ChairTwin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

These chairs are called thence because this style of chairs was used inwards exclusive gentlemen’s social club during the mid-19th century inwards London. However, a image of the pattern is commencement believed to receive got been made inwards French Republic too was known every bit the fauteuil conformable, which agency “comfortable armchair.” It was called this to differentiate it from the fauteuil de style which had direct lines too was non every bit cushy.

Club chairs are characterized past times depression dorsum too heavy armrests. These chairs were typically upholstered inwards leather, though the style is outdated too these days, social club chairs tin move constitute inwards a multifariousness of fabrics every bit well.

Chesterfield Chair

Twin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

The chesterfield pattern is 1 of the most recognizable chair too sofa designs inwards the world. Although it is non officially documented, it is said the pattern was commencement commissioned past times Lord Philip Stanhope, the quaternary Earl of Chesterfield inwards the 18th century, which is allegedly how it got its name.

The Chesterfield chair is defined past times a quilted upholsters decorated alongside buttons. Their style is a mix of social club chairs too wing chairs too these chairs are typically covered inwards leather.

The Morris ChairTwin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

The Morris Chair is a high, deep-seating armchair which is equipped alongside cushions for the topographic point too back. It also has an adjustable reclining dorsum too slatted sides or bow arms.

The chair was named after designer William Morris who was a figurehead for the Arts too Crafts Movement during the belatedly 19th to early on 20th century. This style of chair is inspired past times the folk chairs of Sussex. The pattern was copied past times several other artisans during the catamenia too is believed to move the precursor for modern-day recliners.

Cogswell Chair

The Cogswell chair has a marked silhouette alongside a sloping dorsum too armrests alongside opened upward infinite underneath. They typically receive got cabriole front end legs every bit well.

Many versions of these chairs are instantly available today, including overstuffed vintage designs too modern leather too chrome styles. These chairs offering a lot of comforts too are popularly used inwards living rooms too dens.

Eames Lounge ChairTwin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

Eames lounge chairs receive got been inwards high demand since 1956 when they were commencement featured inwards the Arlene Francis Show. The chairs are modern, comfortable, too are created past times leather too molded plywood past times Charles too Ray Eames.

The chairs utilization 3 plywood shells to create the backrest, headrest, too the seat. These shells were initially made of Brazilian rosewood, though the utilization of the forest was discontinued later on on. Today, the chairs are made of veneers of walnut, cherry, Palisander rosewood, too other sustainable woods. The chair also has a depression topographic point permanently tilted at a recline too the topographic point swivels on an aluminum base.

OttomanTwin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

Though non a typical seat, the Ottoman is a small-scale stool that was created inwards the 18th century Ottoman Empire. The commencement versions were designed to move wrapped around 3 walls, though, it was later on broken downward into smaller pieces for private use. These days, the Ottoman comes inwards a broad multifariousness of designs.

One of the pop versions is the circular Ottoman which tin move used every bit a free-standing slice of ornament every bit good every bit used every bit a chair. The curved Ottoman has a curved front end alongside a apartment dorsum too is designed to fit alongside an upholstered chair. The French Ottoman is a to a greater extent than elaborate version, which features ornate woodwork too is designed to tally the sofas.


The snuggler, also known every bit a chair too a half, is an extra-large upholstered chair that is exactly broad plenty for ii people to cuddle in. It is larger than a regular armchair but smaller than a settee. The width of the chair makes it peachy for curling upward inwards or lounging.

The snuggler comes inwards a broad multifariousness of styles too may contain a broad dorsum too loose cushions for the topographic point too back. It may also receive got a fixed dorsum alongside loose seat.

Chaise LongueTwin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

Chaise longue literally agency “long chair” inwards French too is a relaxing too luxurious slice of slice of furniture which allows yous to stretch your total torso on move past times of it without needing to utilization a footrest. Many people mistakenly telephone phone it “chaise lounge” because it used for lounging.

The chaise longue tin move used every bit a stand-alone dramatic slice of slice of furniture inwards a living room. It tin move constitute inwards a broad multifariousness of designs. Some variations include the fainting couch too the hateful solar daytime bed.

Farthingale Chair

The Farthingale chair is a small-scale compact chair which was originally designed for women utilization inwards the belatedly 16th century. This chair is defined past times a broad cushioned too upholstered topographic point too has no arms. The backrest may or non move upholstered but the leg frames are bare too straight.

An interesting fact nigh this chair was that it was designed to accommodate hooped skirts that were inwards fashion during that time.

Fiddleback Chair

The iconic fiddleback chairs were created during the early on 19th-century design displace too the First French Empire periods. These chairs consist of an upholstered topographic point too the middle department of the seatback is carved inwards the shape of a fiddle.

These chairs receive got remained really pop during the decades too the pattern has been incorporated inwards a broad attain of styles. These days, the fiddleback chairs are to a greater extent than popularly used every bit dining chairs.

Occasional ChairTwin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

Occasional chairs or accents chairs, every bit their mention suggests, are only used occasionally.  This chair is unremarkably used every bit an extra chair when yous receive got guests over too provides a dramatic, decorative value, rather than a functional 1 most of the time.

These chairs are used every bit accents thence they are typically available inwards different styles too shapes too tin move really eye-catching. They are unremarkably lightweight too armless, which makes it tardily for them to move moved from room to room.

Lawson Armchair

The Lawson style has a really depression arm inwards comparing to the dorsum of the chair too it tin either move angular or rolled inwards shape. The style is simple, classic too elegant too it tin move covered inwards a broad multifariousness of fabrics, from suede to leather to linen.

Rocking ChairTwin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

One of the favorite chairs of the elderly, babies too everyone inwards between, the rocking chair is often placed inwards front end porches of American homes. It is rumored that Benjamin Franklin invented the rocking chair. No thing its origin, the rocking chair has gained a identify of importance inwards today’s living room.

The rocking chair also comes inwards a broad multifariousness of styles, shapes, too sizes. Some receive got arms, others are armless. Some are upholstered piece others are made of a cushion. However, the mutual element is that they are almost ever made of forest too is mounted on curved rockers.

A newer version of the rocking chair consists of a stationary pedestal alongside a suspended chair that moves, which is safer if yous receive got crawling babies too pets inwards your home.

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Upholstery for your Chair

Twin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

When yous are shopping for novel upholstery for your chair or for an upholstered chair, yous ask to move really practical. That agency yous ask to retrieve nigh your lifestyle too the utilization of the chair. This tin guide yous inwards buying the form of upholstered chairs or upholstering stuff that yous tin use.

For example, yous may dear chairs that come upward upholstered alongside silken velvet; however, the beautiful upholstery volition shortly run across its demise if your describe of piece of occupation solid is filled alongside children too pets. Upholstery chairs inwards high-traffic areas similar the living room or kitchen (if yous identify chairs inwards your kitchen) volition ask to receive got fortified too durable stuff that is non prone to much article of apparel too tear. However, chairs that are non used a lot, for instance the ones inwards your dining room that are only reserved for formal dinner tin sport all kinds of fabric, fifty-fifty luxuriant brocade too velvet ones.

One of the biggest mistakes that people brand when selecting stuff is that they practise non consider how the stuff volition historic catamenia over time. If yous are buying upholstered chairs, receive got a facial expression at what stuff they are covered in, whether it tin move cleaned easily, too how much maintenance it volition need. You ask to consider factors similar how it volition facial expression inwards 5 years. If yous similar leather, yous ask to inquire yourself whether yous volition similar the facial expression of patina that volition railroad train alongside everyday living. You should also inquire yourself whether your upholstery volition ask daily vacuuming to remain build clean or would yous ask to unopen the drapes thence that your fabric’s color does non bleach from exposure to the sunlight.

The Best Upholstered Chairs to Use If You Have Kids too Pets

Twin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

A lot of people don’t allow their younger children too pets into the living room every bit it filled alongside beautiful too expensive furniture. However, these days, at that topographic point are plenty of upholstery materials that yous tin utilization that non only facial expression elegant but are durable every bit well. For homes that receive got kids too pets, upholstered chairs tin move covered inwards mistaken suede or Sunbrella stuff that is fade-proof, stain-resistant too highly durable. Slip-covered upholstered chairs are also a peachy selection every bit is distressed leather because it tin cover an occasional scuff or tear.

In instance yous receive got a busy household, it is non a adept sentiment to utilization delicate, printed, too textured options similar silk which tin easily tar too concur on tight to stains.

The Best Upholstered Chairs to Use If You Want Luxury

Twin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

If yous are non worried nigh muddy hands, spilled drinks too abrupt claws, yous tin actually instruct all out when it comes to upholstery material. Some peachy stuff for an indulgent experience tin move Belgian linen too Tibetan wool that are decadently soft. Although linen is quite a durable material, it is non really stain-resistant too a busy describe of piece of occupation solid volition non receive got the crisp, fresh facial expression 1 time the kids are through your upholstered chairs. Many people also prefer to utilization different kinds of a luxe stuff that are non exactly cost-effective but tin easily move swapped 1 time novel trends come upward along.

Considering the Shape too Size of the Chair

Twin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

Before yous instruct ahead too select the perfect stuff for your chair, yous ask to receive got into describe of piece of occupation organization human relationship the style, shape, too size of the chair itself. If your chair is curvaceous, yous should retrieve nigh looking into solid-colored fabrics. Prints, patterns, too textures all receive got a distinct direction. When the slice of stuff is cutting too attached to your chair, the management of the pattern may non facial expression right, especially if the pattern is especially ornate.

Also, receive got into consideration the size of your chair. Larger sized chairs facial expression adept inwards neutral tones or rich solid shades thence that yous don’t instruct tired of seeing them 1 time again too again. If yous desire to create some accents or a argument slice of furniture slice inwards your living room, receive got a smaller sized chair similar an accent chair, Ottoman, slipper or a Farthingale chair, too decorate it alongside brighter colors too bolder patterns.

Also consider the other pieces of slice of furniture inwards the room too regard whether your upholstered chairs piece of occupation good alongside their colors, patterns too textures.

Trying an Upholstery

Twin upholstered chair printed alongside peacocks inwards a Traditional style master copy sleeping room xix Types of Upholstered Chairs

The best way to ensure that yous volition similar upholstery on a certainly chair or volition relish sitting on it is to instruct alongside something that yous discovery inwards the store. However, if yous autumn inwards dear alongside a stuff that yous practise non regard on an upholstered chair, inquire for a large swatch of that stuff too mantle it on the chair of your selection to regard if it looks good.

If yous desire to customize your upholstered chair alongside a patterned fabric, brand certainly yous are completely able to regard its total motif too consummate color palette.

Although upholstered chairs are available inwards an innumerable variety, yous ask to brand certainly they tally the domicile yous alive in. Also, receive got into describe of piece of occupation organization human relationship the size of the room yous volition move placing the slice of furniture in. If the chair is extra-large too your room is compact, it tin brand the room facial expression cluttered too cramped. However, if the room is large too spacious, a tiny chair inwards the corner volition non receive got the affect yous were expecting.

A petty homework beforehand volition preclude yous from existence disappointed when your novel chair arrives at your doorstep.

Source: homestratosphere.com
Tag : Furniture
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